Part 5- Slumber party (pt. 2!)

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( Maribel's POV 🤎)

I turned off the lights and turned on my lamp so it wasn't too bright. We made a fort and we're sat in it, with snacks. We are both hugging pillows. Red gives off a very shy vibe. But at the same time, she seems confident. If she wasn't as quiet, she would own everywhere she went. I guess she just doesn't talk to many people. But she was talking to me, and that was good.

"Okay, now can I start asking questions?" I ask Red. She nods.
"Okay, so, first of all, why are you wearing Camilo's poncho? No one ever wears Camilo's poncho." I say. She has a slight blush on her cheeks.
"Well... I was wearing these pijamas when he said he wanted to show me something. He said I would get cold so he let me wear his poncho. When we got back inside, I offered him his poncho but he didn't take it. He said 'No, you keep it. Use it to remember me if you get lonely, hermosa. Don't forget, I'm always here for you.' So yeah." Red replies, her face is kinda red. What a coincidence. But anyway,


"Okay, before I ask something I just gotta say he calls you hermosa?" I question.
"Yeah. It's kinda cute, but I mean, that's him." She's blushing more now. I think she likes him...

"Okay sooo, what did you do? Where did he take you?" I ask. I know these questions might be questions people don't want to answer, but Red would have said something about it by now if she was uncomfortable . I think we are going to become friends.
"Well... he took me to the garden. I'm guessing you've already seen it so I don't need to describe it to you. But he asked me what my favourite flowers were, I said them, and then they appeared everywhere. Truly amazing garden. Anyway, I got cold. Even though the poncho helped, I started to shiver. Then out of nowhere, he gave me a hug from behind. He is slightly taller than me, so he put his arms around my neck, going down to my stomach (because it's from behind). That's when I realised we were holding hands the whole time because my arm was slightly lifted up, since his hand was holding mine. My heart was racing. He was really warm. I loved it." She stops talking. We both did. My jaw is wide open. WHATTTT???? I didn't know Camilo could be like this.

Red's face is getting redder by the second. I still have a few more questions though.
"And, before you came into the room. What happened?" I asked. She looked very shy/embarrassed from what she was going to tell me.
"He walked me to this room, and he said 'Buenas noches hermosa' " Red pauses. Im excited to find out what happens next.
"So then I say 'Goodnight Camilo', I tip toe so I can reach and I kiss his cheek." She quickly says as she puts her head in her pillow.
"How did he react?" I asked.
"He stood there, paralysed with a red face."she tells me.
"Oh my god...girl. He has it bad for you." I had to tell her.

"No... he doesn't." She says kinda sadly.
"He went to talk to Isabella. She was singing 'Camilo's got a crush! Camilo's got a crush!' . I'm telling you he doesn't like me. No matter how much I would like that." She says. That last part...
"Wait! Do you like him?" I have to know. I must know.
"W-what?" She says, flustered.
"You doooo." I tease her.
"Well..  it's complicated. I want to be around him, but I'm worried..." Red confesses.
"About what?" I ask her.
She tells me everything, about her ex, and when she met Camilo. Her parents. I feel so bad for her. She starts tearing up, so I hug.

"Can you wait for me? I'll be back in a second!" I tell her. She nods and I leave.

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

I just got back from talking to Dolores and Isabella. Time to sleep.
Knock knock
Seriously?! I open the door to find Maribel.
"Maribel what are you doing here?" I ask her.
"R-ed... she... needs hugs... she's sad." She struggles to say between breaths. Instantly I shapeshift into a faster guy and start running to Mirabel's room and I shapeshift back. I realise what I'm doing... and what I said to Dolores... maybe I do like her...

(Y/n's POV💜)

I catch a tear rolling down my cheek in my tongue, just as Camilo bursts in, startling me.
"I heard you were upset?" He asks. God, why Maribel? Why? I turn so he can see some of my tears rolling down my face.
"Ay por dios mi hermosa. Ven aquí, ven aquí" he says as he sits on the spare bed/my bed.

(Translation: Oh my god, *my* beautiful. Come here, come here.
Spanish grammar is weird. Trust me, I was born in Spain 😃)

I stay sat were I am and Maribel slowly walks in and sits on her bed. As soon as I know, Camilo is carrying me bridal style onto my bed. I could feel my face getting red and my heart beating quicker. Maybe I can blame the redness on my crying. The one good thing about now. Well, also Camilo. He sits down and lays me down in between his legs, with my head resting on his chest. Like when there is a double person inflatable tube for a water park slide and you and your friend get in it.

His arms are around me. I love feeling his warm hugs. He comforts me.
"It's gonna be okay, hermosa. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I know it's a bit of a childish idea, but would a song help?" He asks me. I do a small nod, and he notices. So he starts singing to me with his angelic voice.
"Dos Oruguitas , enamoradas. Pasan sus noches y madrugadas. Llenas de hambre, siguen andando y navegando un mundo, que cambia y sigue cambiando. Navegando un mundo, que cambia y sigue cambiando." His singing makes me happy. It's a beautiful song. Who knew Camilo was this soft? I snuggle into his chest and he chuckles. There's no point hiding my feelings....


Word count: 1068
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
The person who convinced me to make this lmao ———> camiloslefttoe
Love yall <3

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