Part 13- I'll never break a promise

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

As soon as I spotted him I turned to Mirabel.
"Mirabel we have to go right now! Like NOW!"
I whisper yelled at her.
"Why? What's wrong?" She asks. But by the time she asked that, it was too late. He was behind me.

"Ayyyy Y/n! I never thought I'd see you again!" He says. Such bullshit.
"Well you never know!" I say. I'm not gonna be horrible. I do hate him but it doesn't have to be a scene.
"You should come eat with us. I'll introduce you to Kylie!" He says. His smile is fake. I can tell he just wants to introduce me to his girlfriend to make me miserable.
"Actually I've- I can't join you unfortunately." I say, making an excuse.
"Well what's so important that you can't join us?" He asks. He isn't giving up.
"I've got stuff to do! With erm-"
"With her boyfriend. Now we'll be leaving."

I feel 2 hands on my shoulders. I turn around and see Camilo. He just saved me from being tortured. I give him a smile and he gives me a little wink before I look back at my ex. His draw had dropped.
"Moved on so quickly, eh?" He asks. I look at Camilo for a minute before deciding the way to reply.

"Alright love, we should probably get going." I say to make it sound more believable.
"Alright mi amor" he says, giving me a peck on the lips. ANOTHER FREAKING KISS?!? Anyway, we walk out of the restaurant and start walking back to the casita.

"You didn't have to do that Camilo." I tell him. Why did he help me?
"Hey, I said 'I'm always here for you'. I'm a man of my word y/n. I'll never break a promise. Especially one to you." He explains. I don't know what Camilo and I have, but I never want to loose it. Who knows if he will ever love me the way I love him? As long as he's happy. I would give the world for him.

"Y/n! Y/n!!!" Mirabel says, bringing back off my mind wander.
"Something wrong?" I ask, worried if something bad is happening.
"No, nothing is wrong. You were being really quiet and you weren't responding to us." Camilo said.

"Anyway... you were pretty good actor there Camilo!" Mirabel says, trying to change the subject.
"Who says I was acting?" He says as he looks at me and smirks. Immediately I look to my left, facing away from him (Camilo is to the right of y/n, and mirabel is to the right of Camilo).
He grabs my chin and forces me to face him once again.
"You don't need to hide from me~" he says with a slight grin on his face. Before either of us could do or say anything else, we get distracted by Mirabel.
"I'll help plan your wedding!!!" She says excitedly.

(We don't talk about Bruno just came on my playlist again 😭 I'm on the bus so I can't sing it 😭 I'll be back after my dance session)

(I danced so much I forgot about this for half an hour 💔 I'm back tho)

"Woahhhh calm down Mirabel! We aren't even dating.." he starts to say. Then he turns to look at me.
"Yet." He says with another smirk. Jesus-
"Explain our situation to Mirabel. Go on." I say. This is the perfect plan. As he looks and focuses on Mirabel, I start to leg it for casa madrigal.

"oye, espera!" I hear Camilo shout. I look back to see Camilo shapeshift into Usain bolt (yes, I did. Yes he did) and runs up to me pretty quickly, grabbing/carrying me in a bridal style. What. He shapeshifts back into Camilo, with me still in his arms.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks. How am I gonna get out of this now?
"I- erm well... I- uhh" I can't get any words out. Whatever it is he wants to know has to wait.

"Let's get you home, hermosa." He says, still carrying me. Mirabel looks like she is about to explode with him carrying me. I just put my arms around his neck and burry my head into his chest.
"Are you okay?" He asks me. I just nod my head in the same position.
"Alright. Just relax." He reassures me. God, this man has seen me at my worst once or twice, yet he still cares for me and makes me feel better. I think- I think I love him.


Word count: 763
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋🦋
Hehehehhe hope you enjoyed
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