Part 4- slumber party

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

After a while of standing in the garden we make our way back. I realise I'm still wearing his poncho.
"Do you want your poncho back?" I ask.
"No, you can keep it. Use it to remember me if you get lonely, hermosa. Don't forget, I'm always here for you." He says calmly. God I could listen to him talk for hours.
"Are you sure? I don't mind giving it back." I said.
"Of course! It looks better on you anyway." He replied. I gotta admit, him just being a plain white shirt is just 🤌🏻 * chefs kiss*.

He walks me to the door where I will be sleeping with Mirabel. He looks sad to see me leave, but I gotta sleep at some point, right?
"Buenas noches hermosa." He says. I like it when he called me hermosa.
"Night Camilo." I say with a smile. I stand on my tip toes so that I can reach and kiss his cheek. His face goes red as here is stood there as still as a statue. I walk into Mirabel's room, and close the door. That should keep him busy for a few hours.

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

I can't  move. Did she just kiss me? I know it was on the cheek but still. Maybe she does like me? I can tell I'm becoming kinda red. She walks into Maribel's room and closes the door. She is amazing.

(~time skip~)

Hours have passed by. I can't stop thinking about her and her soft lips. Her beautiful hair. Her beautiful face. Dolores knows a lot about these kinda things. Maybe I should ask her about it.

(Mirabel's POV 🤎)

I look at the girl in my room, she was reading a book. She knows all our names, but we don't know hers. Wait a minute- IS SHE WEARING CAMILO'S PONCHO?! No one ever wears Camilo's poncho unless you are his mother or you wanna die. I decided to ask her a few questions. I should at least get to know her.

"Hi. I have a few questions." I said.
"I thought you might." She replies.
"Well... first of all, what is your name?" I ask.
"The fun is in the mystery. You'll find out someday." She says.
"Well can we at least have a nickname to call you?"
"Hmm... Red. For now, call me Red." She replies. I'm very confused as fo why she would choose that.
"Is there a reason for that?" I curiously ask.
"Well... Camilo first met me in my red dress. I wouldn't be in here right now if Camilo hadn't seen me and my red dress. I thought it was good." She says. Wow, Red is interesting.

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

I walk up to my sister's door. Without having to knock, she opens the door and drags me inside. There she stands with Isabella. Then I remember in the garden. It must've been Isabella.

"Isabella? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Even if I'm not in this room, Dolores will tell me what you said anyway. Just leave it" she replies.
"Oh and where is your poncho?" Dolores asks.
"You could hear the conversation!" I exclaimed. She just shakes her head 'no'.
"We went to the garden and she was wearing pijamas so I let her wear me poncho. Once we got inside she asked if I wanted it back but I told her she could use it for the night."
They both look at me with crazy fan girl looks on their face. Had they lost their minds?

"Look, I know you are trying to get me and... well, the pretty girl whose name we don't know-" Red. You can call her Red." Dolores interrupts.
"IS THAT HER NAME?" I ask eagerly.
"No, she said that's what we can call her while we don't know her name." Dolores explained.

"Anyway, I know you are trying to get me and Red closer and stuff but I have a few questions..." I say, trying to stay calm.
"First, what happened when you said goodnight to her?" Isabella asked.
"Well... she- uhm.." I can feel my face getting warmer as can't help but blush.
"She... kissed me on my cheek." I explain.
They both looked like they were going to explode.

'We will help you propose!' 'Are you in love with her?' 'MARRY HER ALREADY!'. Questions like those were being thrown at me. I tell them to calm down. I want to ask my questions.
"Alright, okay, so my first question is does she like me?" I ask. I really want to know.
"Hold on," Dolores says as she listens. "Maribel and Red are talking now. By the end of our conversation, I will know. But that's beside the point, have you seen the way she looks at you?!"

A few minutes later, the girls have answered my main questions. I still have one left to ask though. Or maybe two.
"Are you going to tell her?" I ask. They both shake their heads 'no'.
"Will you help me?" I ask.
"We've already been helping you!"
"Not in that way. The way you guys have been meddling, except the garden, is actually not helpful." I protest.
"Sure. Anyway, in what way do you mean?" Isabella asks.
"Tell me how to make her blush. How to make her heart race." I say. I don't know if I am gonna regret saying this, but they nod at me. I leave and go back to my room.

(Short Y/n POV 💜)

"Anyway, Red, why are you wearing Camilo's poncho?" Mirabel asks. I kinda blush as she asks again.
"Look, okay, let's have a slumber. We can get to know each other better and we will have fun!" She suggests. It's not a bad idea...


Word count: 962
Thank you for reading 🦋🦋🦋
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