Part 12- different

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(Y/n's POV 💜)

They want to like 'make me pretty' but I'm not for that. I'll let them do my nails, but I don't want them long, I want them short. I'm all for dresses and hair and sometimes nails, but that's it for the girly side. I'll rarely wear makeup, but that's only on really super important events.

I can't stop thinking about Camilo's notebook with the Purple Hearts. If it's to the love of his life, he hid it from me and he kissed me... no. I'm definitely wrong. It can't be this way. I heard Isabella. He has a crush. He has a love of his life.


I didn't want to be here, with the girls right now. I need space to sit down, alone, and think. Slowly, I sneak away while they are preparing things.
"Alright let's- where did she go?" I can hear Isabella ask. Well that's the main part of the problem solved.

I walk back to the garden and sit on the grass. I love the garden, it's so relaxing.
"Back so soon, hermosa?" I hear a familiar voice say as I turn around. Camilo is behind me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"This is my house. What are you doing here?"

He sits down next to me. The night stars fill the sky.
"Hey uh I have a weird question." I tell him. I have no idea how he will respond but I don't want to go back to Mirabel's room.
"Sure. Go on." He says. I take a deep breath, I really hope he doesn't react badly.
"Can I stay in your room tonight? I really don't want to stay in Mirabel's room tonight..." I say. At first he goes red but then he smiles.
"Of course! Let me know if there's anything else you need. I'm here for you." He says. Wow... how am I supposed to be around the perfect guy???

"There's one problem though...." He says. Oh god, what is it??

(Camilo's POV 🧡)

"Well... you see, I uh- I don't have a spare bed so we're gonna have to... yk." I explain.
"Share a bed?!" She says. I can tell she is shocked, her face is bright red. She's so cute.
"Well yeah..." I say as she just sits there in silence for a second.
"O-Okay.." she finally replies.

(~time skip~)

We arrive at my bedroom. I sit down on my bed and so does she.
"Sooo what do you want to do?" I ask her.
"Honestly I'm really tired.." she says, yawning.
"Alright then, let's sleep." I say, laying down and pulling the duvet over me.

(Y/n's POV 💜)

I have no choice but to sleep in his bed. I lie down and pull a bit of the duvet over me.

A few minutes later I make sure he is actually asleep before tossing to the other side. Suddenly, I feel a hand on my waist. It was Camilo's hand. He then pulls me closer to him, hugging me. He's definitely asleep so that's a bit strange...

Now matter how many times I tried to wiggle out, I couldn't. I guess I was stuck with him hugging me. His warm arms around me. May aswell make myself comfortable.

(~time skip~)

The morning sun woke me up. I yawned and tried to get up, forgetting I was still in his grip.
I guess I gotta wait..

"Buenos días Bonita!" Camilo says, waking up.
"Hi.." I reply.
"Anything wrong?" He asks. I deny and make an excuse to leave the room.

All through breakfast, we keep glancing at each other. I don't know what is going on, but it's different.

(~time skip~)

"Hey Mirabel, wanna go get lunch in town together?" I ask her. She seems really excited so im guessing it's a yes. We walk to town and while we do that she asks me what happened last night.

"I just really didn't wanna get pampered up." I explain. "So, I asked Camilo if I could stay in his room. He said yes but he only has one bed so-"
"YOU HAD TO SHARE HIS!" Mirabel says out of excitement. Jesus, she really likes this idea.
"Well yeah... anyway let's go eat."

We go to a restaurant and I order my food as I see my ex there with his girlfriend.


Word count: 732
Thanks for reading 🦋🦋
Byee <33

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