Chapter eighteen: Beach talk

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"Dani, I need the papers from Emma right now!" Seth demanded.

"Right away sir." I obeyed and dashed out the office to Emma's cubicle.

"Hey Emma, Sir Seth needs the paperworks this instant." I said.

"Oh right...just a second" she replied holding one finger up.

She looked through the drawers and some stacks of papers. Then finally held the paper up.

"Here it is!" she exclaimed.

I took the papers from her hands and uttered a 'thanks' then ran back to the office. He was in the phone when I came so I just approached him and placed it in his desk and went back to mine.


I opened the door and went in the house. I was about to head to my room when I suddenly heard hushed voices. It seemed like they were arguing about something. I followed and say both of my parents in the kitchen. My Dad's back was facing me but he blocked the view from mom.

They were talking so lowly, it's like they were afraid somebody might hear. But since I'm close I can hear them.

"Don't you think she deserves to know?" My mom said.

"Honey, I don't think that's a good idea. I mean someday we can tell her but not yet. She's still recovering from the accident."

I know I'm eavesdropping but I can't help it especially when their subject seems to be me.....

"Still! She has every right. We're hiding something that's a part of her life." My mother argued.

What? What does mom mean? What are they hiding? Right now I'm more confused than ever. So I walked away. Afraid that if I hear more, I can't take it.

I didn't go up my room and went back outside. I need to go somewhere. Somewhere peaceful and relaxing. Somewhere I can think.

I rode a cab and went to the beach. It's the only place I can think of that's relaxing and peaceful. When I got there, I sat down on the sand and just looked to the distance,deep in my own thoughts.

What really happened? What are my parents talking about? Why does everyone always avoid when I ask a question about my past? Those questions are only some of it. Right now there are so much question I just wanted to ask.

"You know, it's dangerous for a woman to be alone here at night." A voice brought me out of my thoughts.

I looked back and saw a man. I can't really figure out his face since it is dark in here.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was fine." I apologized and started getting up.

"No, it's fine. You can stay," he objects.

I got down again on the sand again. "What about you? It's dark and still, you're here."

He sat down beside me and said "When I think, I always come here."

"Oh," was my dumb reply.

"So what's your problem?" he asked.

"Excuse me? I'm sorry but I can't really answer you about that. You are a stranger to me." I bluntly said.

"And that is exactly why you should tell me."

I didn't exactly get the point but I told him anyways. It's not like we're gonna see each other again. I told him about the accident until what happened today.

He whistled when I was done. "Well that was deep" he commented.

"Is that all you can say?"

"Well I'm not best advicer but I can be very good in listening."

I nodded, not knowing what to say. We just sat there for awhile, just watching the sea and listening to its waves. Then he finally broke the silence.

"Ask them." He said.


He sighed "Ask them, what they're hiding from you. I mean even if they're doing it for all the right reasons you still have the right to know what happened. Especially when it was your life and not theirs and whatever it is, they have no right to hide that from you no matter what." He explained.

I sighed. I'm not sure if that was a really good idea. Knowing them, it's either they'll avoid the subject or just lie.

"So what's your problem?" I mean I told him mine, so it's definitely fair he would also tell me his.

"How do you know I have one?" He questioned.

"Awhile ago, you mentioned that you only come here to think....that must mean that currently you have some thinking to do since you're here." I stated.

" fiance passed away." He said.

"I'm so sorry." I suddenly felt bad all of a sudden.

"Don't be, it's not your fault."

"What happened? If you don't mind me asking."

"She had cancer...stage 4 actually. We did everything just to save her life and prolong it. Unfortunately, we didn't succeed. Then she just gave up. Saying that we shouldn't waste all our money for her. She also said that cancer or no cancer...we will all die, it's just that she's just having an earlier death than everyone else. She refused to take her medications and told me to treat her normally and we should just enjoy our time together while there still is. So I agreed reluctantly since it seemed like it's what makes her happy. But then one night, we were hanging out on the hood of my car watching the stars, talked about many things then she suddenly told me that she's already very tired and she badly needs to rest. I knew right then and there that she's going away already. She said she lived a happy life and she's thankful that I'm in it. Told me she loved me one last time then died in my arms. In that moment, I never wanted to let her go, but I need to. She needs to rest. That night I took her home and then broke the news. It was really heart wrenching to see everyone grieving. But what really hurts the the aching pain in my heart breaking from the thought of never to talk, laugh, touch, kiss and hug her again."

By the time he was done with his story, I was sobbing. My heart ached for him. He didn't deserve that. Why is the world cruel?

"The quote is never know what you got until you lost them." Just like my memory. I wanted to add.

"It is...but you see, I knew how precious she was before, but when she was gone it just heightened more. If before she meant the world to me, now she meant the whole freaking galaxy."

"Have you told this to anyone?" I asked.

"Nope, I wouldn't think they would understand,"

"Then what made you tell me? Obviously I haven't lost someone."

"Maybe, but you lost something just as precious. But in a way you did lose lost them with your memory."

I agree.


Chapter 18 is done!!!

Anyways...did you like it? Who was that guy by the way?

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