Chapter eight: New Boss

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And the day finally came. The day my old boss will retire and the day I will also see my new boss....which scares me the most actually. But to put things aside I'm in a good mood today so it better not let that ruin it.

"They're here!" Rachel said excitedly.

"Really? Why are you so excited by the way?"

"I don't know...maybe hoping our new boss is hot?" she said unsure. I dropped my jaw at this statement. Seriously?! She has a boyfriend and not just any boyfriend but my brother! MY BROTHER! "Don't worry, Garreth's still the hottest guy for me." she added sensing my reaction. I heaved a sigh of relief. At least she isn't planning on something.

Then the elevator dinged which made all our heads snap up in that direction. It was like all in slow motion. Like the time just stopped.The elevator doors were slowly opening sideways, all of us waiting and hoping to finally see our new boss. Then when it seemed like forever Ms. Collins and a guy stepped foot in the office. Then all of us dropped our jaws. Well, specifically all of us girls did.

I was the first one to finally managed to come to my senses and closed my mouth then jabbed Rachel in the side. The guy was handsome. I give him that. He has dark brown hair and a perfect face (so no need to explain that). He was wearing a tux  and pants. The typical business wear for men. Though that made him look very good in it. He can make it look ike he was about to go on a photo shoot. Rachel must be happy right now saying that her wish came true.  Yes, Our new boss is hot.

"Everyone listen up please!" Mrs. Collins started. "This is my son. He will be your boss now since you know that I'm already retiring..." then she looked at him and nodded.

The guy took a step forward and started his speech. "As what my mom already told you. I will be your new boss from now on and I want to assure you that I will do my best to be a good boss and also a good leader. I hope that there will be no misunderstandings that will come in the future althought thats is nearly impossible." His voice was not warm at all. So opposite of his mother's. It was more like with authority. Like eveything he said needs to be done. When his little speech was done Mrs. Collins talked again.

"So, I hope that you know my son enough and what's his vision and mission for the company. I also hope that you treat him the same way like you treated me..." then she stopped, her eyes widening like she just realized something. Then she went to her son and whispered something to him. He then nodded in understanding.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself clearly." He said. "My name is Seth... Seth Collins."


The introducing to us finally ended and now it was time for our introduction and before I even knew it, it was already my turn.

"Seth this is Daniela and she will be your assistant now since she won't be my assistant anymore." Mrs. Collins introduced while smiling brightly at me then to Seth.

"Uhh...hello uh-sir." I held my hand out for him but he rudely didn't take it.

He was only looking at me intently. His eyes cold never leaving mine. He looked like he was studying if not that then he looked like he wants to strangle me right then and there. Oh no, I have feeling this won't be good. Seriously he's the opposite of Mrs. Collins.

"Sooo, Seth what do you think?" Mrs. Collins asked probably feeling the tension between us. Which I'm thankful for because he looked away from me.

"It's fine." that was his only response before he barged into Mrs. Collins office or should I say his office still with the stern expression.

"I'm sorry Daniela, he's really like that the first time. Don't worry, you'll get used to him." I don't if that was supposed to relieve me or scare me. I'll get use to him? What the hell?

In response I just nodded and smiled. Then we went to the group of my coworkers and joined them. But my mind wasn't there. It stayed with my boss. I knew it. He doesn't like me.  I have a boss who hates me! What's a girl supposed to do?!

"So, What are you doing this coming Saturday?" I snapped my head at his direction.

"And why do you care?"

"It's quiet obvious I'm asking you out on a date." he said bluntly.

"Excuse me?"

"Yes, you're excuse"

"You're stupid"

"What? You asked If you're excuse and I approved." he said with a shrug.

"Did you know it's not going to help you get my 'yes'?'

"Yes. So is that a yes?"

"No, I've got things to do" I lied.

"Oh okay, that's cool. No date then." Then his expression changed to sad and hurt and which made me guilty to the heavens.

"You know what? Maybe I can" I blurted out without even thinking. Then his eyes lit up like a child got his present for Christmas.

"Really? I knew you would fall for that act." then he smirked. Ugh I should have known he planned this all along. Though he really is a good actor but of course I couldn't say that to him it would only boost up his ego.

"I can change my mind anytime." I responded.

"No you can't. I won't let you."  I smiled to myself in this statement.

"Okay then....If you can catch me!" Then I ran before he even had the chance to react.

I ran and ran til where my feet can take me. I looked back and saw no one. I smirked. I lost him. Then suddenly two arms were wrapped around my waist. It doesn't actually take a genius to know who it is.

"Caught you" he whispered in my ear giving me a chill down my spine.

"Yes, you did." I giggled.

"It's a date then." he said before releasing me then made me face him.

For a moment there, we were just looking at each others eyes. Not leaving them once. But before I could get lost into those beautiful piercing eyes I spoke up.

"I gotta go." I said and he nodded letting me go.


Another Chappie guys. This is kinda short for me so sue me. Anyways always Vote, Comment and Share. :)


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