Chapter twenty-one: Story of My Life

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Going down the stairs to the kitchen because I know mom will be there cooking breakfast was nerve wrecking. You might be asking why. Well, I finally decided that I should ask mom. It's now or never and yes I took the stranger's advice of asking them.

When I set foot to the kitchen, I quietly observed her for awhile. I can't help it. She just looked so happy all the time. Like right now, she's humming while cooking. She didn't notice me yet but I know in mere seconds she will. Finally she turned around and saw me.

"Oh! Good morning Dani, I didn't know you were there." She greeted cheerfully.

I nodded in response with a serious face . I guess she sensed that something was bothering me because she sat across of me.

"Is everything alright dear?" She asked worriedly.

This would the perfect opportunity to tell her because I know we wont be disturbed. Garreth wakes up late and dad went to the office early today.

"No." I truthfully answered.

My mom took a deep breath. Like she knew this was coming.

"W-why?" She stuttered while trying to compose herself. It looked she was about to break down.

"Mom...I...uh..." I trailed off.

"Tell me honey. What is it?" This time she took my hand from the table to reassure me that it's fine.

"Mom, I'm gonna ask you some questions about me and you have to answer truthfully okay?"

"Okay, but I'll only tell you what I can tell as of now okay? Oh, and don't tell your father." She added quickly.

"Okay...where should I start?"

"How about don't ask me anything yet and I'll tell you how you were before and when I'm done, that's the time you can ask me some questions." she suggested.

"Perfect." I agreed.

"Okay...Since you were a child you were always really cheerful, active, kind and obedient. Every time you're around people you were always so happy. You entertain them with your sense of humor. You love baking and cooking and you're undoubtedly great at it but never show it." She started and I encouraged her to go on.

"You always love the outdoors. Your favorites were the beach and the view of the city. You said it always helps you calm down when angry or upset and also helps you to think rationally. Even though you always have a sunny outlook on life you also have your own problems and that's when you shut people out. You tend to fix them on your own and doesn't open up. Until, one day you met a guy.

You said, you met near a coffee shop. You bumped into each other and that's practically the start of your story. You came home that day ranting about how cocky, rude and arrogant he is. Then I saw something change in you that time. Honestly, you were never the type to say bad comments about people because you believed that deeply they also had some good sides of them. But this guy, this guy brought something out of you.

You became more open about what you feel and think and honestly, I was thankful. You were always shy deep inside even though you let people see that you socialize. But you weren't very open to them too. Like I said, you're not too keen of sharing your problems. But everytime you see this guy you started to change. For the better of course. You may haven't admitted it to yourself before but this guy helped you. A lot. He seemed to bring out the worst and best in you.

Like for example, you're great at the kitchen but then only a few people know that because you were secretly shy. I don't even know what you're shy about. The only people who knows about your skills is the one that really matters. Amanda and us, your family. But when you told me that this guy, knew about your skill I was shocked. This really got me interested. This guy I mean. So I wanted to see him." She trailed off while I was trying my best to take it all in.

"So I told you to invite him for dinner one day and you were ecstatic. The first time I saw him, I instantly knew he was good for you. He looks at you with so much love and passion. That night you also told everyone that you were finally together. I was really happy for you because you finally met your match.

Everytime you spend time with him, you always end up very happy when you come home. Yeah, you had your fights but both of you easily get through them like nothing even happened. But then one day, I just got a phone call that you two were on an accident. I got really scared. I was scared that I'd lose you. I didn't of course. That was the time you woke up with no memory on." She ended.

"What? That's it? What happened to him?!"I pleaded.

"The day before you woke up. We went to visit him because we were also very worried. He was also like a son to me because he always hangs out in our house when you were together and we also got close. Sometimes he even tells me problems. But when we saw him awake all we can see from his eyes is guilt. He said it was all his fault why you were in that state. We tried to reassure him that it wasn't his fault because it was an accident. Besides, it's not like it was his fault that the brake didn't work. But he just didn't buy it. He said that maybe it's better that you two break up because he just can't look at you again without feeling guilty. We respected his decision because we know he already felt bad, we just can't let him feel worse and that was the last time I talked to him. But before we finally went out he made us promise to not tell you anything so that you can start afresh. So we agreed. I guess I'm breaking that promise." She smiled sadly.

"Mom, who is he? Who is 'him'? Who is my boyfriend." I asked.

"I'm sorry honey. But with that one, I can't tell you. I already broke my promise, it's the least I could do."

"Mom, please." I was already begging her. I'm desperate to know him.

My mom was about to say something but a voice cut her off. "Daniela, stop it." My brother warned.

I turned to him tears on my eyes but with an angry look. "Stop it?! This is my life we're talking about! I have every f*cking right not to stop!"

"Daniela, you wouldn't like the answer if we tell you." He said dangerously low.

"Fine, don't tell me. I'll just have to find out myself then." I told them.

With a new set of determination, I walked out and went to my room. I'm gonna find out . No matter what stays in my way.

And No One can stop me now!


Update! Yaaas!! And please don't be a ghost reader! Comment and pls to the hundredth power Vote!

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