Chapter four: My world

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"Where are we going?" I asked Rachel.

"Work" Work? I don't even know anything about work.


"Didn't you hear me? I said 'work'"

"I heard what you said the first time Rach. I just meant that I know nothing about work."

You might be curious why we're even together. Well, this morning she just barged in to my bedroom waking me up from my beauty sleep and told me we need to go somewhere. She informed my mom that 'I need to see my world' putting emphasis on my. How I go through my everyday life and what I do.

"Are you crazy? I know nothing about work!" I shrieked.

"Oh, you'll eventually learn. Besides, it was your passion." She shrugged. One more word from her and I swear to the heavens I'll slap her."Whatever, you'll probably just feel it in you" she added. Oh well, so much for slapping her.

Ten minutes later we arrived at my workplace. Or at least to what Rachel had put it. Fortunately, we're coworkers. She said that we had a great boss in here. She was kind, friendly, understanding if needed and that is why we all respect her.

"You'll just love her Dani! I swear she's the best boss ever." Then her features changed from happy to sad. "Unfortunately, she's leaving next month and she's handing it on to her son." She said sadly.

"Do you know who he is?" I asked.

"Nope, no one has ever seen him. He never comes here."

I nodded in understanding. I was about to ask some few more questions when suddenly someone engulfed me in a hug so tight I can hardly breath. When she finally released me she stated.

"DANIELA! I've missed you so much. It was boring here without you. Everybody misses you already. I'm so sorry we didn't come and visit you but everything is so busy here in the office that we can hardly sleep." She's a brown haired girl with pitch black eyes. She's the same height as me and one can say that she's pretty. She's wearing jeans and a top that has a heart printed on it.

"That's fine." I smiled to her not knowing what to say. I mean I already feel guilty I forgot about her. Ugh damn this!

Then Rachel spoke up. "Umm Jess, can I talk to you for a minute?" Jess, I guess looked confused but nodded eventually.

Rachel took her wrist and dragged her away from me. Enough that I'm out of earshot. I looked at them and they seem to be talking about me since they keep on stealing glances at me. Rachel looked like she was explaining something to her while she looked like shock, her eyes widened and her one hand covering her mouth. After a minute or two they came back. Rachel had a blank expression on her face while Jess still looked like he was still in shock.

"Oh my God! Dani, I am so sorry. I thought...I thought that you're...." Jess sighed and then she sobbed.

"Wait don't cry." I blurted. Then when I said that she even cried harder. Oh my God! I just made it worst.

"I'm sorry, but when you said just seemed so distant. Like I'm a stranger to you." She finally spoke up after her cries.

"Uhh...that's fine. If it makes you feel any better, I know that I'm still me just without the memories." I breathed out. Then she chuckled under her breath and smiled at me. "Just stop crying. You looked like a monster with that makeup rolling down your cheeks." That's when I realized what I just said and I put a hand to cover my mouth. That was just rude! Where is all this coming from?

Then they both grinned broadly. "You're right. You didn't change." Jess stated. I breathed a sigh of relief. Now I know that where this is all coming from.

"We better start showing her to everybody Jess. We just can't stand here in the lobby forever." Rachel said. Then off we go to wherever they will take me.


I sat on one of the chairs in the office. I scanned the new faces, for now. They all were friendly they welcome me like I'm an old friend. Rachel said I am but oh well. For me they are still acquaintances and not to sound rude or anything. They all introduced themselves to me when they found out about my condition and for a moment they had pity on their faces. I hate pity. Then maybe realizing I didn't like it one bit they smiled and started telling their names. I actually had a hard time memorizing each.

Nonetheless, it was fun. Like all this is like natural to me. Maybe Rachel was right. I might've loved my work before. Who wouldn't when you're around all this people? The problem is now. Would I still like it like before? Would I even work considering my condition? Then I was cut off with my thoughts when a voice spoke up.

"What's happening?" We all turned to the owner of the voice. She's a woman who looked like she's in her mid forties. She has blonde hair that stops just right below her shoulders. She has a petite figure and she looks like she's someone important but at the same time she's also very warm. At first no one spoke up when Arnel, one of my coworkers did and broke the silence.

"Mrs. Collins, Daniela's back" he announced excitedly. This time, her eyes widened and grinned.

"REALLY! Where is she?" She asked excitedly too.

"Um hi," I waved awkwardly then she me and then she just stared at me like she's not believing her eyes that I'm here. When I was almost convince she wont speak up, she did.

"Oh my god, Daniela I've been missing you. It was really sad when I heard about the news." Then her eyes softened. "But anyways, I won't say I'm sorry since I know you're full of that already." She smiled warmly at me. I really gotta thank her for that. She's right, I was full of a bunch of sorrys. I like her already. It's just sad she's leaving.

Then the rest of the day flew off smoothly and by the end of it I was exhausted. When I got home I went to my room directly and took a shower then changed into some loose shirt and a pajamas.

As I was laying on the bed, I thought of the happenings that day. Actually, we're still not sure if I'm going back to work. Seems like I still need to figure that one out. Surprisingly though, I realized that I knew the lessons from school just not memories. I don't how but at least I know I'll not be studying again. I realized that when someone asked about a past president of a country and I answered. Weird right? I know the lessons but don't know memories. Anyways at least l'm lucky.

I don't know if it's been hours since I've been thinking because somewhere along that time sleepiness already took over me to the night of dreams.


Sooo that's it folks. Anyways keep voting, commenting and please do share. Love ya'll.


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