🏠New House🤨

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~Y/n's POV~

I'm in a limousine with YuI, and I absolutely hate it. We get to a mansion that looks really cool! I get out first and fix my skirt. I'm wearing a red bra, a black crop top see through over shirt, a black leather skirt, black knee highs, black leather boots, two chain chokers, a black and red skull ring, and a leather jacket. I grab my suitcases and go in front of the door, waiting for Yui, but she's taking forever. She finally comes and I knock on the door, it doesn't open so I reach for the door knob. The door opens by itself, I shrug and walk in with Yui on my hip. She's getting closer to me, and it's starting to piss me off.
Me and Yui get to a living room and see a red haired dude laying on the couch. Yui walks over and tries waking him up, but she screams a little.

Yui- Omg! He's cold! And he's not breathing! I'll call an ambulance! *Takes her phone out, but gets pinned* AHHH!!!!

Y/n- 😒 *Puts her headphones in, leaning on the wall*

Yui- Y/n! Please help me!

Y/n- Help yourself, not my fault you were stupid enough to do that. Handle it yourself. *Crosses her arms*

Yui- *Glares at you*

Y/n- *Unfazed* Keep up with your useless glaring, I'll gouge your eyes out myself.

Yui- Tch...

Y/n- Tch your stupid self bitch.

Yui- *Grumbles*

???- Ayato, what's with the ruckus?

Y/n- *Looks at them* I'm sorry for our intrusion, but I have a note for Reiji Sakamaki.

???- Your speaking to him, what do you have for me Miss?

Y/n- *Gives him a note*

Reiji- *Reads it* Oh, so you two are the girls father told us about.

Y/n- Guess so, I'm sorry if we weren't clear and just walking into your house.

Reiji- It's quite alright, Ayato get off the girl.

Ayato- For what!?

Reiji- We aren't allowed to kill these girls.

???- They smell delicious~

???- That they do~

Ayato- *Gets off Yui*

Yui- *Runs to you, hugging you tight* Y/n, I'm scared..

Y/n- Get off of me! Jesus fucking Christ! So damn clingy! Stop clinging onto me! Fight your own battles! *Pushes her off*

Yui- *Falls* Ow, why are you so mean to me?

Y/n- Keep up with your stupid talking, I swear to your stupid little priest father I will kill you.

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