😕The truth🥺

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                                                                              ~Y/n's POV~

                Me and Beatrix talk for a little and I hear the brothers come in my room. I have to tell them, I can't lie to the people I love and care about. I keep looking out my window, looking at Beatrix in my reflection with tears in my eyes.

Reiji- Y/n, explain.

Y/n- Okay. My name is Y/n L/n, eldest daughter of Lazarus and Lenora L/n, the original King and Queen of the vampires. My parents were very close with your father, Karlheinz Sakamaki, and wanted him to be the next King after they passed away. After my parents died, I took care of My brother sister in secret. I was adopted by elite assassins and trained to kill anyone in my path. I was tortured everyday if I did anything wrong or didn't do something right. During one of the tortures, my adopted parents gouged my eyes out. I snuck out the house to take care of my brother and sister one night and met up with your father once again. He helped me take care of them when I couldn't. When he found out about my eyes, he gave me these magic ones. They let me do anything I want, from killing someone with a look to protecting those I care about. They gave me my Demon and Angel. Before I came here to your house, your father told me to do something for him. Cordelia Sakamaki's heart was implanted into Yui's body and she is slowly taking control of her body to kill you all and become the queen of the vampires. Earlier today, she took control for a short time to speak. In a couple minutes from now, she'll have full control of Yui's body and kill you all. She had help from your uncle, Richter. He took Cordelia's heart and implanted it to Yui's body, and gave her to Seiji to care for her until the right time. Your father knew I was the only one who could stop Cordelia, so he asked for my help. I'm sorry for lying to you all, but I had to protect you from Cordelia. I'll be leaving your house after I finish my task from your father and you won't hear from me again. I'll be continuing what I originally did, taking care of my brother and sister and working as a singer. Again, I'm sorry for lying to all of you, but it was for your own safety. Originally, I was never supposed to tell you anything, but I couldn't lie anymore. I hate lying to people I care about, so I disobeyed your father and told you the truth.

Brothers- *Speechless*

Y/n- It's time to finish my task.. She should have full control now, so I'll finish my task..

(Oh shiiiii- Cliffhanger bitches~!!! 😈😜 SIKE! The next chapter I'm working on right after this one! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, bye bye~! 😁🤍🖤)

Words: 497

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