☝️First day at school🏫

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Y/n's POV

Y/n- Woah, you guys drive a limousine to school? 😍

Reiji- Yes, it's custom.

Y/n- Awesome!

Kanato- I sit next to Y/n-Chan!

Y/n- Okay! Let's go Nato!

Kanato- *Smiling*

Y/n- *Sits in the Limo*

Kanato- *sits next to you happy*

Everyone sits in the Limo, I'm sitting next to Kanato and Shū. I'm listening to music, when Reiji speaks. I take a headphone out to listen

Y/n- What's up Reiji?

Reiji- We'll be craving your blood, please drink this to strengthen yourself.

Y/n- *Drinks it* It's good, thanks Reij!

Reiji- 'Reij'?

Y/n- Nickname. 😉

Reiji- I see..

Y/n- Why's your face red Reiji?

Reiji- I'm alright.

Y/n- Okay.

Kanato- *Chuckles* Y/n-Chan so cute~

Y/n- Right back atcha Nato~

Kanato- *Blushes*

Y/n- *Smiles* Shū, you can sleep on my shoulder if you want. Your falling asleep and your head is swaying from the road.

Shū- Okay. *Lays on your shoulder, falling asleep*

Y/n- *Finishes the drink* Awe man, Reiji do you have more?

Reiji- *Give you another*

Y/n- *Teleports the empty one to the trash* *Drinks the new one* This is really good cranberry juice. Mag ik voor altijd bij de broers blijven, alsjeblieft? (Can i stay with the brothers forever, please? )

Beatrix- 'That isn't for me to decide dear, have a talk with my husband.'

Y/n- Hij laat me niet toe, hij is gemeen. Hij is een klootzak, zelfs voor mij. 😭💔 (He won't let me, he's mean. He's an asshole, even to me.)

Reiji- Y/n, your speaking another language, we don't understand what your saying.

Y/n- I'm sad. 💔

Laito- For what~?

Y/n- Ik wil hier voor altijd blijven. 😭💔 (I wanna stay here forever.)

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, your still speaking another language.

Y/n- I said I wanna stay here forever, it's more fun then my adopted parents house. I don't get my ass whooped every second. 😂

Reiji- That's not funny, Y/n.

Y/n- It is 'Cause the looks on the old man's face, he looks like he's gonna throw up. Guess he don't like blood, which is really weird. 😂

Reiji- I'd like a talk with these Adopted parents of yours.

Y/n- Already got that part covered. Killed them before I left the house. 😜

Kanato- I want details Y/n-Chan!

Y/n- I'll say them later Nato, for now we're at school. Let's go~! Shū, wake up. We're at school.

Shū- No, be quiet and let me sleep.

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