🤗Time with Kanato 💞

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                                                                           Y/n's POV

                I find the music room and see Laito playing the piano. I sneak in to hear him play, when it's finished I hug him.

Laito- GAH! WHO THE-

Y/n- *Giggles* It's okay, it's just me. That was really nice playing though Laito, do you play a lot?

Laito- Uhm..Sometimes when I'm upset..

Y/n- Why are you upset?

Laito- You wouldn't understand..

Y/n- Try me. 😊

Laito- *Blushes* Just thinking of stuff, I'm fine though.

Y/n- Your eyes are teary, if you wanna cry then cry. There's no shame in crying! Crying isn't a weakness, it shows you have emotions. Everyone can show emotions if they want, it's not a crime. If you wanna cry, I'm here to cry on. 😊

Laito- I- Thanks, I'll keep that in mind..

Y/n- No problem. It's almost dinner time though, come one.

Laito- Okay. *Stands up*

Y/n- *Snickers* *Drags him to dinner*

Laito- GAH! *Getting dragged*

Y/n- *Giggles*

Laito- What's funny?

Y/n- Nothing really, go sit down.

Laito- Okay? *Sits in his seat*

Y/n- *Looking around the dining room*

Kanato- *Walks in* Hi Y/n-Chan!

Y/n- Hi Kanato!

Subaru- *Walks in*

Y/n- Hi Subaru, I have a question.

Subaru- What?

Y/n- How strong are you?

Subaru- What's that mean?

Y/n- Exactly what I asked, can you pick me up?

Subaru- For what?

Y/n- I wanna see how tall I get.

Subaru- Uhm, okay? *Picks you up*

Y/n- Holy- You see a lot from up here! Awesome!

Subaru- *Blushing* *Puts you down*

Y/n- Hey, I was having fun up there. Why'd you do that?

Subaru- Tch. *Sits down*

Y/n- Tsundere~

Subaru- I am not a Tsundere!

Y/n- Yes you are~!

Subaru- Tch.

Reiji- *Walks in*

Y/n- Hi Reiji!

Reiji- Hello Y/n.

Y/n- Is dinner done?

Reiji- Yes, it is. Please have your sea-

Y/n- *Already sitting* Bring out the food~

Laito- *Laughs* *Pets your head*

Y/n- *Looks at him* What?

Laito- Cute Foxy-Chan~

Y/n- Thanks Top hat~

Laito- *Blushes* Nice voice~

Y/n- Same to you top hat~ Reiji where's food?

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