🥰Day with the brothers♥️

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                                                                                 ~Y/n's POV~

                     I wake up as usual, all the brothers laying with me. Shū sleeping on my chest, Reiji and Subaru on my stomach, Ayato on my shoulder, Laito holding my hand while laying on my arm, and Kanato laying near my head. I yawn and check my phone, seeing that it's Saturday. I smile and giggle. Reiji wakes up, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Reiji- Morning Y/n, sleep well?

Y/n- Yes, and you?

Reiji- I did, thank you. What's today?

Y/n- Saturday, wanna go out and hang out today?

Reiji- Sure.

Shū- Y/n, shush.

Y/n- Sorry, go back to sleep Shū.

Shū- Mhm..💤💤

Kanato- Y/n-Chan..What time is it?

Y/n- Mmm..About 6 at night, why?

Kanato- Can we sleep all day? Please?

Reiji- No, we have stuff to do today.

Kanato- What stuff?

Y/n- We're all gonna hang out today.

Laito- Foxy-Chan, please be quiet so I can sleep.

Y/n- Wake up or I'm tickling you.

Laito- *Shoots up* I'M UP! 😰

Y/n- Good. Ayato, wake up please.

Ayato- What's in it for me Melons?

Y/n- O_O Wake the fuck up or I don't hug you today.

Ayato- *Shoots up* I'M UP! 😄

Y/n- Good. Subaru, wake up please.

Subaru- *Grumbles* No, let me sleep. 🥱

Y/n- Subaru, if you wake up I won't tease you.

Subaru- Ugh, I just wanna sleep. 😞

Y/n- I'll make you food.

Subaru- *Shoots up* I'M UP!

Y/n- Nato, wake up.

Kanato- Fine.. *Sits up rubbing his eyes* 🥱🥱 I'm so tired..

Shū- I never get to sleep with you people.

Y/n- Shū, wake up or you don't sleep on me for a week.

Shū- *Jumps up* I'M AWAKE! 😄

Y/n- Good, go get dressed.

Brothers- Okay. *Goes to their rooms*

              I get out of bed and stretch, yawning a little. I take a shower and get dressed. I'm wearing a black long sleeved shirt, a black leather skirt, a Gucci belt, black fishnet leggings, black boot heels, chain chokers, a black onyx diamond ring, some chains hanging from my belt, and black onyx hanging earrings. I hear a knock at my door, I yell come in and Reiji comes in. I doing my hair in my bathroom.

Reiji- Y/n? Where are you?

Y/n- Bthroom Reiji!!

            Reiji walks into my bathroom, seeing me doing my hair. He blushes a little and coughs to get my attention. I look at him, still doing my hair.

Reiji- We're in the living room ready to go.

Y/n- Okay, I'm done. Let's go! :)

Reiji- Right, after you Y/n.

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