😜School day😩

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        ~Y/n's POV~

               I wake up feeling heavy then remember what happened last night. I check the time and it's almost time for school, but I stay in the same position not wanting to wake everyone up. Reiji wakes up and rubs his eyes, sitting up.

Reiji- Wha-

Y/n- Your in my room, you fell asleep on me again. I don't mind and don't start yelling, just deal with it.

Reiji- Right.. 'Her voice is adorable when she wakes up. How I wish I could drink from her.'

Y/n- *Reads his mind* I don't mind if you drink from me, just warn me before you do.

Reiji- Wha-

Y/n- I read your mind, another thing my eyes let me do.

Reiji- I'm not gonna say anything.. Brothers, wake up. It's time for school!

Subaru- Reiji, I swear to god if you wake me up one more time I'm gonna break your fucking face.

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, tell Reiji to be quiet.

Shū- All of you shut up, I'm sleeping for god sake!

Y/n- Alright, all of you wake up and get dressed for school. Shū, you can sleep on me in music class. Ayato, I'll make you Takoyaki for breakfast. Kanato, I'll make brownies with you when we get home. Subaru, don't break Reiji's face. Laito, if you don't wake up I'll tickle you till you pass out. Reiji, calm down.

Ayato&Kanato- *Jumos up* We're up! *Dashes out the room*

Laito- I'm up! Please don't tickle me Foxy-Chan! *Dashes to his room*

Subaru- *Grumbles* Alright fine. *Goes to his room*

Shū- Y/n, why must I always wake up? But fine, I'm sleeping on you in music class.

               Shū let's me go and teleports to his room. Reiji thanks me and leaves to his room. I get up and start getting ready for school, taking a quick shower and getting dressed. When I'm done, I grab my bag and go to the living room, sitting on the couch and waiting for everyone. Shū walks in and lays on me again, his head on my lap. Reiji tells me that we're all ready, so I wake Shū up and we all go to the Limo and go to school.
                After my first class with Laito, I head to the music room and see Shū falling asleep in his chair, Kanato talking to Teddy. I walk to my seat between Shū and Kanato, putting Shū's head on my lap and playing with his hair. He falls asleep instantly, holding my hand tight. I'm talking to Kanato and Teddy, turns out Teddy was his mothers before he was Kanato's. The principal runs in the class room screaming, waking Shū up. Shū blots up, holding his ears with slight tears in his eyes. I stand up and hug Shū, his face snuggling in my chest and listening to my heartbeat to calm down.
              After I calmed Shū down, I let him go and look at the principal with murder in my eyes, talking with venom coating my voice scaring everyone.

Y/n- You scream again, I swear on the demons you won't live to see another day in your life.

Y/n- You scream again, I swear on the demons you won't live to see another day in your life

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