🩸Fights/Singing/Time with everyone🥰

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(This chapter will have a little violence in it, please scroll down to where it ends!)

                                                                                 ~Y/n's POV~

Y/n- Ugh, this is bullshit. I need alcohol!

Karlheinz- Y/n- Your only 19, you can't drink.

Y/n- Didn't stop you when you were 15 to drink a whole bottle of Tequila.

Karlheinz- I- That's different!

Y/n- How? There's no difference, none at all.

Karlheinz- Because! I wasn't in the right mind when I did that!

Y/n- You have a mind? Wow, I give an applause. 😒👏🏼

Karlheinz- So mean to me..😭💔

???- Hey, human, tell me who you are now. And why I appeared in your head.

Y/n- Don't know either, but you say who the hell you are first.

???- Very well. My names Christa, Third wife and cousin of Karlheinz Sakamaki and mother to Subaru Sakamaki.

Y/n- Damn, you married your cousin Tougo? 😂

Karlheinz- I'm not speaking anymore, you'll just kick my ass again. : |

Y/n- 💢 Stupid snowball!

Beatrix- Dear, calm down. Your eyes are glowing more then usual, calm yourself before you loose control and go on a murder spree.

Y/n- I am calm, Beatrix.

Beatrix- Just from that I can tell your not, you never call me Beatrix. You always call me Trix or Okaasan, never Beatrix.

Y/n- Whatever. -.-

Subaru- Y/n, my mother was in your head this whole time?

Beatrix- No, she wasn't. It was only me, but Christa appeared in Y/n's head a little while ago so I told her.

Subaru- But..Why is my mother in Y/n's head?

Beatrix- That's what we're trying to figure out, Subaru.

Y/n- Ugh, I need a drink.

Karlheinz- Oh shit- Uhhh..Y/n needs blood! 😰😬

Y/n- Do you ever shut up? One damn minute without hearing your stupid voice is a dream, so shut it Tougo.

Beatrix- Dear, calm down

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Beatrix- Dear, calm down. Here, you can drink from me.

Y/n- No, I don't drink from family.

Beatrix- Y/n, you need to drink blood, if you don't you'll go on a murder spree and kill anyone in your path.

Karlheinz- Actually, she won't. We did some training together a couple years ago, so she can control her amounts of murder. :)

Christa- And that's good thing..?

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