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Y/n's POV

I follow Reiji and see Karlheinz with my brother in his hands crying.

Y/n- Emmett!? Karlheinz what happened?

Karlheinz- I don't know, he just started crying and said he wanted you!


Y/n- Em, big sister is right here. What happened buddy?

Emmett- *Jumps to you* BIG SISSY! *Cries*

Y/n- What's the matter buddy? Are you hurt?

Emmett- It's sissy Layla, something happened. She was screaming last night and wasn't there. I tried finding her, but I couldn't.

Y/n- What? What was she screaming?

Emmett- She was screaming like.. 'Komori' or something.

Y/n- I wonder~ If that fucker touched my sister, I swear on my demon She is fucking dead.

         My eyes are starting to turn red and my bloodlust is coming out. Emmett notices and backs up a little.

Emmett- Big sis, what do I do? Did I do something wrong?

Y/n- No buddy, sissy has something to take care of. Stay with Reiji, can you do that for Sissy?

Emmett- Yep!

Y/n- Reiji, watch my brother for me. I'll be fast I promise.

Reiji- Ofc, come Young Emmett.

Y/n- Karlheinz, let's go get my sister back.

Karlheinz- Right, lead the way.

Y/n- Oh, I'm not doing shit. It's gonna get bloody, hope you brought blood bags~

 It's gonna get bloody, hope you brought blood bags~

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Karlheinz- Ofc, I don't go anywhere without them.

Yui- W-Whats happening..?

Y/n- Yui, come over here.

Yui- *Goes in front of you* Yes?

Y/n- *Chokes her* What did you tell your father to do with my sister? Answer me before I break your neck and tear you limb from limb.

Yui- I-I d-didn't d-do a-anything y-y/n! I-I s-swear!

Y/n- Look into my eyes bitch. *Bring her higher, looking into her eyes* What did you tell your father?

Yui- *Under your eye magic* I contacted my father and told him to go after Layla and Emmett.

Y/n- Why?

Yui- To get revenge on Y/n for what she does to me.

Y/n- And what does she do to you?

Yui- Y/n takes everything from me. She always get attention from everyone, I wanted attention so I told my father to go after her brother and sister.

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