🤗Time with The bros♥️

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                                                                                       ~Y/n's POV~

           When we got home, I went and got a drink immediately. My throat is dry from singing so much, that's one thing I haven't missed when singing. I'm leaning on the counter in the kitchen, drinking water. Laito comes in, smelling my neck. I don't do anything, just keep drinking my water. Laito bites my neck, drinking some of my blood. I'm not even flinching, it doesn't hurt at all. I hold Laito's neck and lightly scratch his head. Laito stops drinking and hugs my waist, his head snuggled in my neck.
                 Laito's head still in my neck, I kiss his head and hug him with one arm, still drinking my water. Laito speaks, his head still in my neck.

Laito- Foxy-Chan, can you make some more Macarons?

Y/n- Sure Laito, same ones as last time?

Laito- Mhm~

Y/n- Okay, but you gotta let me go so I can make them.

Laito- Alright fine~

                 Laito let's me go and leans on the counter, I start making his Macarons. After 10 minutes, I finish his Macarons and give them to him with a drink to. He smiles and eats them, I hug his neck from behind.

Laito- Foxy-Chan~ Is something wrong~?

Y/n- Nope, just wanted to hug you. You seem like you could use one. 😊🤍

Laito- Thanks Foxy-Chan, for everything. I had a question though..

Y/n- Hm? I'm listening. *Sits on the counter*

Laito- Well..I have these feelings, but I don't know what they are..

Y/n- Okay, explain these feelings to me, I'll help. 😊

Laito- *Blushes* Uhm..I feel safe, I feel they understand me better then anyone, I trust them a lot, I just met them a couple days ago, but I trust them more then anyone, I get butterflies in my stomach around them, they don't judge me, and I feel I can be myself around them..

Y/n- Awe~ You love them~ That's so cute, who is it?

Laito- *Blushes again* Uhm..I don't wanna say yet..

Y/n- That's okay, I'll help when you wanna confess to them if you want!

Laito- Sure..😅

Y/n- Awe, your so cute~ *Hugs him*

Laito- *Blushes red* Y/n..

Y/n- Nope, you don't get to call me that. To you I'm Foxy-Chan, never y/n.

Laito- Foxy-Chan..

              I sit on his lap, hugging him still. I break the hug and take one of his Macarons, eating it. Laito's face is redder then a cherry. He's so cute, and I can tell I'm the one he was talking about. I can hear his heart, and he's so cute~! I laugh at his face, him looking away, covering his face.

Y/n- No need to be shy Top hat, are you gonna finish your Macarons?

Laito- Uhm..Y-yes, I am..

Y/n- Okay, I'm gonna go see everyone. If you need me just Holler!

Laito- Uhm..Right..😅

Y/n- Hehe.

         I take another Macaron and leave him, walking around to see what everyone's doing. I see Reiji and follow him in his room.

Y/n- Hey Reiji, what are you up to?

Reiji- Hey Y/n, I was gonna play some chess. Care to join me?

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