✌️Second day/Singing Again🎶

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Y/n's POV

I wake up in the same position I fell asleep in. I check the time with my phone and it's almost time for school. Reiji wakes up and rubs his eyes, still not noticing what's happening.

Reiji- What the- This isn't my room, where am I?

Y/n- Your in my room, you fell asleep along with everyone else.

Reiji- WHA- Y/n!? Why am I in your room?! *Jumps up*

Y/n- You fell asleep after I sang for you guys, and I just left you guys 'Cause you looked cute sleeping. It's almost time for school though, you might wanna get changed into your uniform.

Reiji- Right, sorry for falling asleep on you Y/n.

Y/n- It's alright.

Reiji- Brothers, wake up. It's time for school.

Subaru- Shut up, let me sleep Reiji.

Shū- Next person who wakes me up, is gonna die.

Kanato- Shut up, let me sleep.

Ayato- Reiji, don't wake me up! Shut up!

Laito- Reiji, no one is awake yet. Shut up and let me sleep.

Y/n- Laito, Shū, Subaru, Ayato, Kanato, if you wake up I'll make food.

Shū- I'm to lazy, but I'm listening.

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, just let me sleep.

Laito- *Jumps up* Yes~! Foxy-Chan's food~!

Subaru- Y/n, keep your voice down. I'm trying to sleep!

Ayato- Melons, do me a favor and be quiet and let me sleep.

Shū- *Snuggles more into you* Your comfortable, Y/n.

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, Teddy says to be quiet and let me sleep on you. *Hugs you again*



Y/n- Reiji, no need to yell. Kanato, if you wake up I'll sing with you in music class.

Kanato- *Jumps up* I'm up! 😁

Y/n- Good. Subaru, if you wake up I'll help you with your garden.

Subaru- Fine.. *Goes to his room*

Y/n- Ayato, wake up and I'll call you Ore-sama for a day.

Ayato- *Jumps up* I'm up! *Goes to his room*

Y/n- Shū, wake up please. We can take a nap together when we get home.

Shū- Alright fine.. *Goes to his room*

Kanato- *Goes to his room*

Y/n- *Gets up*

Reiji- Thank you Y/n, sorry for falling asleep on you. It won't happen again. 'I hope it does, she was comfortable.'

Y/n- *Reads his mind* It's alright, I don't mind at all. See you in a little bit!

Reiji- *Leaves*

After everyone leaves, I take a quick shower and get ready for school. When I'm done, I go to the living room and listen to music while waiting. I see Shū, he see me to and lays on top of me. I giggle and hug him, him cuddling my chest. He falls asleep again, hugging my waist and cuddling into my chest more with a smile. Reiji walks in and sees,

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