🤜🏼The Fight🤛🏼

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~Y/n's POV~

I get up from my seat, tears flowing out my eyes. I walk out my room and go to Yui and get ready to fight her. I find her and start speaking,

Y/n- Let's get this over with, I wanna finish this as fast as I can.

I quickly wipe my tears away, and look at Yui and Richter.

Y/n- Who am I fighting first?

Yui(Cordelia)- Richter, fight her.

Richter- Right. *Takes his sword out, ready to attack*

Y/n- Sword summon.

Black smoke covers my hand, a sword appearing in it. My sword is all black with three eyes near the handle, one bigger then the two, it has red magic surrounding it. Richter charges at me, me and him sword fighting for about 10 minutes till I finally finish him off and kill him for good. I notice the brothers behind me, but I keep my focus on Yui.

Y/n- Your up bitch, unless your to scared to fight me.

Yui(Cordelia)- I'm scared of nothing, I'll fight you no problem!

She stands up, ready to fight me. I roll my eyes and delete my sword from my hand, getting ready for anything she throws at me.

Yui(Cordelia)- I have something to say.

Y/n- No stalling bitch, I wanna get this over with.

Yui(Cordelia)- I wanna say something to my kids, butt out hoe.


Kanato- I'll turn you into a wax figure if you call her that again.

Ayato- Call her that again, I'll kill you again.

Y/n- Oop, got told off by her own kids. I don't blame them after what you've done. Oh yea, I still gotta torture you a bit for what you did. Can't wait to hear your pretty screams~

My outfit changes. I'm now wearing a school girl outfit with knee highs, my eyes red, my hair to my shoulders and short. Yui(Cordelia) looks scared now. I smirk and get in front of her in an instant, choking her. She losses her breath in 5 seconds, I keep choking her. My eyes turn red, I speak

Y/n- Grasp heart~

Her heart goes to my hand, I drop Yui's body on the floor. I look at Cordelia's heart in my hand and start speaking, my eyes glowing red.

Y/n- Heart Break.

I crush the heart, breaking it forever, blood leaking from my hand. Karlheinz appears, my sister and brother next to him

Karlheinz- You've done your task, thank you. I can always count on you.

Y/n- It was my pleasure, I'm glad I could help.

Karlheinz- Mind taking care of the body?

Y/n- Not at all.

I look at the body, my eyes glowing a purple red.

Y/n- Black hole~

I stomp on the ground and a black hole appears, sucking Yui's body into it. I stomp on the ground again, the black hole disappears. I look back at Karlheinz,

Y/n- My stuff is packed already, I hope to work with you again.

Karlheinz- Ofc, I will call if I need help.

Y/n- Right, goodbye Tougo. It was fun, Brothers, but I must be going. I enjoyed our times together, thank you for making me smile after such a long time. I never believed I'd be able to be happy after my parents died, but you proved me wrong. Thank you, for everything. Lay Lay, Em, let's head out.

I go to walk away with my brother and sister, but I get pulled back. I already know who it is, so I don't attack.

Y/n- Kanato, please let me go.

Kanato- Why are you leaving us?

Y/n- I've done what I was ordered to do, I have to continue protecting my brother and sister. Also do my job as a singer, please let me go.

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, don't leave us please! 😢

Y/n- I have to, I did what I had to do now I have to go.

Karlheinz- You can stay here if you'd like, I'll take care of Layla and Emmett.

Y/n- I can't let you do that, their my brother and sister. It's my job to take care of them, not yours.

Karlheinz- You've done more for me then my mother and father has ever, same as your parents. Before I met you and your parents, I was a runaway child running from an abusive household. But your parents showed me a love my parents never did, they treated me as their own family. When they first had you, I was overjoyed your father wanted me to be your godfather. I taught you alongside your father, and I was there and cried with you when they died. I cried more then you did and your their daughter. You were there for me every time I cried, you were my shoulder to cry on, the one who made sure I took care of myself, and the one who made me a better person. You helped me in more ways I can count, and I'm grateful for it all. Let me return the favor for what you've done for me. I'll take care of Layla and Emmett for you. Besides, I've seen the way my sons look at you, I can't possibly take away something else from them. So please, let me take care of them for you and you stay and make my kids happy.

Y/n- 😀😄😀 Who are you? You aren't the Karlheinz I know, bring him back.

Karlheinz- OH SHUT UP! I'M NOT ALWAYS MEAN! 😭😭💔💔

Y/n- Heh, theirs the Karlheinz I know. Welcome back old man.

Karlheinz- I'M NOT THAT OLD! 😭💔 Why must you bully me all the time? I just said so many nice things, and this is how you treat me.😭

Y/n- Calm your stupid ass down a minute, god damn.😂 You know I love and appreciate you a lot, Tougo. I'll always be there for the ones I love, wether I'm dead or alive. However, Tougo, I still haven't told number 3!

Karlheinz- Wha- Absolute idiot, why haven't you said that!?

Y/n- You say it then, I'm going to get ice cream for me and my brother and sister. Bye bitch! *Teleports away with Layla and Emmett*

(That's it for this chapter, I hope you all enjoyed! Bye bye~! 😁🤍🖤)

~♡︎Words: 1,070♡︎~

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