😬The Wolf problem/Time with everyone🥰

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                                                                                 ~Y/n's POV~

                    It's been a couple weeks since me and all the brothers started dating and i've never been happier! Me and everyone are chilling in the living room being idiots. Me and Kanato are playing with Teddy and Shū's sleeping on my lap. I hear Laito come up to me from behind, he hugs my neck. I smile and take his hat, petting his now seeable hair.

Laito- Foxy-Chan~

Y/n- Top hat~

Laito- *Blushes* Can you make some food~?

Y/n- Sure-

Shū- That means I have to get up so no.

Reiji- Shū, get off Y/n so she can make food.

Shū- Shut up Reiji!

Y/n- No fighting you two. Shū, please get off my lap. I'll make you something to.

Shū- Ugh, fine.

Shū sits up and lays on the couch. I smile and ruffle his hair, he opens one eye and hugs my waist. I look down at him, seeing him looking at my lips. I smile and peck his lips making his whole face go red.

Y/n- Okay, what does everyone want?

Shū- I'll take a rare steak, Y/n.

Laito- Macarons please~

Ayato- Takoyaki please.

Reiji- Spaghetti Carbonara please, Y/n.

Subaru- Udon..

Ruki- Soup please Y/n-San.

Kou- Vongole Bianco please~

Yuma- Sugar cubes, Y/n-San.

Azusa- ...Shichimi..Togarashi..please..

Y/n- Okay, I'll go make that for you guys.

Shū let's my waist go, I ruffle his hair again and stand up. Cracking my finger since it was sore. The brothers looked at me weirdly, I tilt my head confused.

Y/n- What?

Reiji- Did that hurt?

Y/n- No? I always do that, my demon taught me. I don't feel pain, Reiji, remember?

Reiji- Oh Yea, my bad Y/n, I forget that sometimes.

Y/n- No problem.

Christa- Darling, do you feel this presence?

Beatrix- CHRISTA! We agreed not to say anything!

Christa- I know, but it's getting closer!

Y/n- Are you talking about that thing that's coming closer to us?

Beatrix- You knew?

Y/n- Trix, I'm not stupid. -.-

Beatrix- I never said you were dear. What is this presence?

Y/n- Maybe some stupid wolves, they bust my ass all the time when I leave.

Christa- And it's a full moon, vampire's get weaker at this time..

Y/n- Not me.

Beatrix- Huh- But, every vampire gets weaker. Even Karlheinz does, it's not something you can control.

Y/n- Can't explain it, but I don't get weaker. Watch.

I go to a wall and punch through it, my hand going through the wall. I take my hand out, showing three cuts and two bruises forming.

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