🤔Getting to know you/Time with the bro's👨‍👨‍👦‍👦

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~Y/n's POV~

{ Timeskip to when you get back }

Y/n- *Gets out the limo*

Kanato- *Grabs your hand* Come on Y/n-Chan!

Y/n- Lead the way! *Follows* Woah, is this your room?

Kanato- Yep! Want a sweet?

Y/n- What kind of sweets?

Kanato- Any. 😁

Y/n- Have brownies?

Kanato- Ofc! Their over there! *Gives you some brownies*

Y/n- *Takes one, eating it cutely* Yummy😋 Thanks Nato! Their good!

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, I have a question.

Y/n- I'm listening Nato! *Eating sweets*

Kanato- Why haven't you drank from one of us? I've already drank from you, have you thought of doing it to us?

Y/n- Hm..Not really, I can control my thirst. I mostly only drink about a gallon every two month, I had to learn to control my thirst so I didn't hurt my adopted little sister.

Kanato- Can you tell me more about you?

Y/n- Hm..Not much to tell. My parents are full vampires along with me, and my little sister and brother. I'm the oldest child from my parents. My mom and dad were killed by vampire hunters when I was 10, since then I've been living with my adopted parents and sister. I always sneak out the house at night and take care of my sister and brother, making sure their okay and making sure they have food. I had to come here because your dad thought it'd be better to live with vampires and thought I'd be a good bride. He also knew I'd get along with you guys, so I agreed. I'm happy with my decision to coming here, I haven't smiled in years. My adopted parents are assassins, so they trained me to be one as well. They tortured me for around..8 years with any method you can think of. One of the tortures they ripped my eyes out so your dad gave me these ones. They give me magic when I use them. As of now, your dad is taking care of my sister and brother for me. That's about it I think..

Kanato- What kind of magic do your eyes give you?

Y/n- They let me create and manipulate all elements, kill anyone with a look, basically anything you can think of. They give me a cool one where I can change into a male, it's really cool, but I stay in my original body.

Kanato- If you don't mind, what were your parents like?

Y/n- Honestly, they were the best parents any kid could ask for. My mom used to sing me to sleep with a special lullaby she made for me. My dad trained me to be a vampire and with my vampire abilities. Me and my brother n sister always played in the garden while my mom and dad watched. My mom used to call me 'Songbird' 'Cause I used to always sing to my brother and sister. My dad called me 'Angel' 'Cause I did anything for him, like making him food if he asked, watching over my mom, and stuff like that. My mom always wanted me to sing for her 'Cause I 'Had the voice of an Angel'. Same with my dad, he always loved hearing me sing for them. Whenever I sang, my bird friend used to dance around me. Me and my dad used to do mini bands, we played every instrument we had. Me and my mom used to dance together while singing in the garden.

Kanato- That sounds nice, my mother wasn't a nice mother.

Y/n- I believe it, she doesn't sound like a mother. She sounds like a bitch who was obsessed with only your father. If I could, I would've stuck up for you and your brothers against your moms. No child should've gone through that, not even close. I'm here if you wanna talk, Nato. Just want you to know that. 😊🤍

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