📝Learning about you🥰

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                                                                                ~Y/n's POV~

My hair and eyes go back to normal, I shake my head, scratching my hair.

Y/n- Man, I really hate that sometimes. My head hurts now..

Laito- Foxy-Chan~ Can I have more Macarons~?

Y/n- Sure. Same ones?

Laito- Yep~

Y/n- Okay, race you to the kitchen?

Laito- Right~

Me and Laito race to the kitchen, me winning. I laugh at his pouting face, he leans on the counter like always and watches me. The other brothers walk in,

Laito- Foxy-Chan~

Y/n- Hm?

Laito- Can I have some blood~?

Y/n- Don't need permission, go head.

Shū- I'm the only one who hasn't had her blood..

Reiji- I haven't had it either.

Kanato- Her's is really good, it's warm and sweet. 😁 Y/n-Chan, can we make brownies later?

Y/n- Sure thing!

Ayato- Melons, can you make Takoyaki?

Y/n- Sure!

Laito- Y/n-Chan, stop moving or I'll hurt you.

Y/n- Sorry, one second.

I stop moving and back up a little. Laito bites my neck and drinks my blood, I don't do anything, just let him drink.

Reiji- Does it not hurt? You didn't flinch.

Y/n- I never flinch, one thing you can't do when your an assassin. Got my ass whopped 'Cause I flinched when a gun shot at me. 😂

Kanato- Y/n-Chan, that's not something to laugh about..

Y/n- Lil bit, it was funny to see the old mans face. His face was like 'Do I really have to do this?'. 😂

Ayato- Melons, how are you not loosing Consciousness from how much blood he's taking?

Y/n- He isn't taking a lot, and I have a lot of blood in my body. He'll stop when he's full, it doesn't matter to
Me when he stops or not.

Laito- *Stops* Thanks Foxy-Chan~

Y/n- No problem. *Continues cooking the food* Top hat, your Macarons are done.

Laito- Yay~ Thanks Foxy-Chan~!

Y/n- No problem, Yato your food is done to.

I move all the food to the counter and get Laito his drink, putting near his food. Laito suddenly hugs me, I hug back with one arm with a smile.

Y/n- Something wrong Laito?

Laito- Nope, just wanted a hug~

Y/n- Okay, but your macarons are gonna get cold you goof.

Laito- Hm, your heartbeat...

Y/n- What?

Laito- Your heartbeat..It's calming..

Y/n- Thanks, Kanato and Shū said the same thing.

Laito let's me go and eats his food with a smile, Ayato already finished his food. Kanato is smiling at me, I smile back and he tackles me.

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