Oliver x Regie

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"Ugh! Why does his lips look so enticing." I practically hear two girls moan as they look at Regie. Me and the boys are currently at the mall, you know, doing whatever. Greeting some fans as we walk around.

   "Look at him, he's so cute. I wish I could feel those plumb lips on mine." The blond of the duo said. I instinctively turn and look at Regie's lips and trace my own lips with two fingers.

       "Not to mention his hair. I can just imagine how it feels as I run my hands through it." The other girl, a brunette, said as they continue to look at Regie. Who had no clue that he was being fantasied about right this very minute.

The girls continue talking about the things they would like to do with Regie, but the weirdest thing of all, is me imagining myself actually doing them with him. I mean, what the fudge? I am straight for crying out loud, and even if I wasn't, Regie is the straightest guy I know. So he wouldn't be interested in me.
I hear the girls mention something along the line of Regie being handsy down in their nether regions, and I don't know what suddenly came over to make me grab the front area of my jeans, closing my eyes as I squeeze down tighter.
I hear a gasp, and my eyes pop wide open, and i saw two pair of eyes staring back at me.

    OMG! It's Oliver Moy!" The blond hair girl squeal.

    "Did he just heard everything we just said?" The brunette ask her friend. Making me blush and look away.

    "Yo, bruh!" Seb call over to me. "We are getting ready to go, we are just waiting for Darren to get back from the bathroom." I nodded, and started walking towards the group. But not before turning and waving to the girls, which got them in a giggling fest.

    We are now in the parking lot, discussing the seating arrangements, because Kane decided that he didn't want to be seated on the floor of the car again, after Regie had almost step in his balls when we had arrived at the mall earlier. Now there is a lot of fuss over who is going to sit where. I should have drove my car, but I wasn't in the mood to drive. And I could have ask one of the guys to drive, and avoid all this. Especially the agreement that was just concluded.

     "I am not sitting in anyone's lap." Seb grumpily said, folding his arms and pouting like a stubborn child.

    "Come on dude, we literally just agreed about lapping up." Justin rolled his eyes at Seb's childishness.

   "I know what I agreed on, but I didn't agree to sit or have anyone else sitting in my lap." Seb sass back, causing a series of bickering among the boys, expect from me.

    "You know what, I don't care if anyone sits on me. I just want to go home." Regie said grabbing my hand. "Come on Oli, you're with me."

My heart thud against my chest, and my throat suddenly became dry. Why did he choose me.

   "Come on bruh, don't be weird about it." He drag me behind him, and inside manager Ty's car.

    We are now on our way home, and everyone is talking and laughing. Expect for me, my only concern is me,  and what, or should I say who, I am sitting on.

     "Hey Oliver, I know we are in a...." He sigh before continuing. "Bruh, it's called lapping up for a reason, and not kneeing up. What am trying to say, is that. You are pressuring my knees and  they are going numb, so please, I am begging you to sit directly in my lap."

I might not have a mirror to look in, but I can feel the blush creeping up my cheeks as I make myself comfortable in Regie's lap.

A few seconds of me sitting there, I subconsciously, but discreetly started to grind on Regie's lap. I realize what I am doing when he grab my waist and whispered in my ear, asking me what am doing. But I didn't have the heart to stop. I want to, but the pleasure just felt so good. Also, to top it off. I suddenly had the urge to pee, and adding that to the feeling just intensified the pleasure. I had to bite my lips to not moan out, and alert the boys to what I am doing.
I hear a quiet but auduable to my ear, grunt from Regie. And it suddenly hit me in full force. I was grinding on Regie, and...I like it.

We finally reach home and I couldn't wait to get out of the car, that I literally push down Sebastian and I may or may not have stepped on his fingers. But serve him right, if he hadn't made a fuss, I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.
I sprinted inside the house, and to my bathroom. And stand in front of the toilet. I close my eyes, and tried to get my breathing under control, when I felt someone standing behind me.
My breath hitch in my throat when the person spoke.

    "Oliver, need help?" Regie came closer to me, then he unbutton my pants and pull it down a bit, along with my underwear. Then he grab my bulge, making me start to breathe rapidly.

    "No-no, I need to p-pee." I tell him, stuttering a bit. But he didn't listen.

Regie started to move his hands up and down painfully slow, causing me to whine. I hear him chuckle, which made me blush. He suddenly started to move his hand faster, and I try everything to contain my moans.

    "Oh my God, yes!! Regie, faster! Go faster!!" I moaned.

He kiss me on my neck with those amazing plump and juicy lips, making me realize why those girls back at the mall was fantasing about them.

    "Oli, you have to keep it down so the guys doesn't hear what we are doing in here." He whispered in my ear. His hot breath fanning my skin, mixing with the pleasure of his hands and me wanting to pee, just combined perfectly together. And I felt the most amazing tingling sensation bubbling in the pit of my stomach, and moving south.

    "R-Regie, i-i am...gonna s-shoot in more ways than one." I croak out breathlessly.

    "Then let go Oli, let go."
He didn't have to tell me twice, as I squirt both pee and man juice in his hands and on my pants.
I lean back on him, trying to get my breathing under control.

   "Are you good bruh?" He whisper in my ear, I can hear a bit of amusement in his voice.

Is he laughing at me? I questioned myself. I ease off him and turn to face him, but I couldn't keep eye contact with him.

   "Hey don't worry about it." He told me, as he went and wash his hands. "You know, I thought you were just being sus when you started to grind on me. But when I saw you jump from my lap and almost trampled Seb, I knew that..." He stop talking and look at me. "This is our little secret ok?" I nodded and he smile at me, before walking pass me and went to the door. "Oh, you better clean up. You got a bit of... everything on your pants." He smiled at me before leaving the bathroom.

When he left, I lean against the wall and sigh deeply. "Walk away when you hear girls talking dirty about your guys friends." I said to myself, before easing of the wall and cleaning up.

A/N. So, this is the first time I am writing something like this. So please don't be mean.

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