Love confession gone wrong 3

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                            's been awhile, trust me cause I know. This is part 3 of love confession gone wrong, and also the last chapter of this book. But not to worry, I have something new in the works and I can't wait to share it with you all. Thank you so much for tagging along with me throughout this book, and I am so grateful for all your support and wonderful comments. So for now, enjoy this chapter, and also be on the lookout for my upcoming book. Love you all and enjoy.

              Later that evening

  Kane came home with a big smile on his face. He sat in-between Ryan and Just. Just then Regie and Oliver came into the living room, with a very pouty Sebastian trailing behind them. 

When Seb saw Kane he spun on his heels and was about to leave, but what Kane said next made him stop in his tracks.

   "I'm so super happy today." Kane threw his hands over both Ryan and Justin's shoulders. But quickly removing his hand off of Ryan when he glared at him. "I am not going to let you ruin my mood, you sour puss." Kane taps Ryan's nose and the latter bit after it.

   "Care to enlighten us on why you are so happy?" Oliver asks just to ruffle Sebastian's feathers a bit. He had seen how Seb reacted when he came in and saw Kane. And he's not being cruel or anything, he just wants Sebastian to admit that he has feelings for Kane. If it's not to him, then to Kane, or even himself. So what better way to do that than hitting Seb with the cold hard facts. Facts that they both had seen when they had been out.

   "Ok, I went out with this girl today. We met when I went out to buy an apology gift for… doesn't matter." Kane mumbled when he looked at where Seb was standing. "Anyway, we bumped into each other and we started talking from there. We exchanged numbers and we texted and called each other everyday, so I asked her out. We went to a nice Thai restaurant because she is a big fan of Thai cuisine, and after she gave me this clay flower pot she made, we just walked around and talked about our love for anime. And after, I took her home." 

The lovestruck smile on Kane's face was like a mocking thorn pricking Seb in the back. 'How dare he come in here talking about some girl that he took out on a date when he should have been here trying to make up with me.' Seb angrily thought. He couldn't take his eyes off Kane. And the more he looked at him and how happy Kane was, the more everything started to turn red. "Oh, ok. So, you went out and found another girl so you can bring her here and break another rule again." This time Sebastian made his voice heard.

   "Seb, you don't have to worry. I won't make that mistake again." Kane said in a reassuring voice. But Seb wasn't having it. He was angry and he wanted to burn Kane with it.

  "Oh really now."

   "Come on Seb….I won't-"

   "You come in here all smiley, talking about how great your little girlfriend (A/N. He said girlfriend with a lot of venom)  when in reality she is not." At the mention of Seb's words, Oli tensed up and turned to his younger brother with a warning look.

  "H-how would you know that? You don't even know her." Kane looks at Sebastian suspiciously.

  Sebastian laughs before sneering at Kane. "Oli and I saw you with her when we went out today, and honestly Kane, I thought that you had more taste."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" 

   "Even though i didn't see her face, but from her appearance from behind, I could tell that she isn't a looker."

Kane started to frown, not liking the direction this argument is heading. "Seb can you stop. This isn't funny anymore."

  "I wasn't trying to be funny. I was just stating facts."

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