You're the dad (Part 4)

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"Regie." Sebastian gasp, as he pull away from Kane.

Regie stare angrily at the duo in front of him before realization hits him, and his expression change into something somewhat resembling a smile.

"I-its n-not w-what it looks like," Sebastian stutter, and put as much distance in-between him and Kane. He is shock to have Regie in his room, because he hasn't step foot in the room since Sebastian told him that he's the father. Now here he is, choosing to barge in at the wrong time. "Kane was being nice, and my hormones got-"

"Bruh, I don't care what y'all was doing. I just came here to ask if you wanted to come baby shopping with me and Oli?" Regie said, surprising Seb and Kane. "But you're busy, so I will-"

"No!" Sebastian yell, startling the two other boys in the room. "I am not busy, I would love to go." Seb scold himself for sounding so desperate, but a little affection from Regie, he would take it any day. Even though he might be developing feelings for Kane, Regie is still his first love, and also the father of his unborn child. "Kane and I can continue...later?" He look at Kane for confirmation. In which Kane nodded with a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

   "Ok then. Oli and I will be outside waiting on you. Oh, and dress in a bigger size hoodie that hides your stomach well enough." Sebastian nodded, and Regie turn and left the room. But Seb could have sworn that he saw him smirk at Kane before leaving.

The two boys sat in silence for a while, before Kane got up and walk to the door.

  "I-" They both said at the same time.

    "You go first." Kane said softly with a chuckle.

   "I-i am sorry about....,Kane I don't know if it's my hormones. But I really like you, and want to continue what we started. B-but Regie....and-"

   "Seb, I get it." He pull Sebastian in a hug. "Regie is the father of your child, and he will always come first. But know that I will be right here, if you want to give us a chance." He kiss Sebastian tenderly on his lips, before leaving the room.

    Thirty minutes later, and Sebastian is in the back seat of Oliver's car. While Oliver is driving and Regie is riding shotgun, rubbing Oliver's stomach every once in a while. Sebastian swallow harshly, trying not to cry everytime he saw the gesture.

   "So, Seb?" Regie called out to him, when he saw his sad expression in the rareview mirror.


   "What gender-" Regie stopped mid sentence, when he realized how selfish he has been towards the younger Moy brother. He doesn't even know the gender of his own child.

   "I don't know." Seb whispered, causing Regie to turn and look at him, and Oliver eyes locked onto his brother in the mirror. "I want it to be a surprise." He quickly explain when he saw there expressions.

   "Oh." Regie said softly, hesitantly reaching towards Sebastian's stomach.

He look at Sebastian, before gently placing his hand on Seb's stomach. Smiling when he felt a little kick against his hand.

  Yo, bruh. The baby kicked!" He said, excitement lacing his voice. Which made Seb really happy. He had felt the baby kicked before, the first time Kane touched his belly.

  "Now, you will be having two pair of feet kicking you all the time." Oli laugh, smile at Sebastian through the rareview mirror.

    Oli's car is now filled with lively chatter from the three boys, as they talk about random stuffs revolving around the babies. When Oliver's excited expression suddenly turn into a frown as they approach the mall.

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