Ryan's D day

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It's Ryan's D day!! Yay!!

Before we start this wonderful journey with Ryan, a quick word from our author.

Author: "Word"

Now, back to the story.

It was the wetness that woke Ryan from his very satisfying dream, of him taking over the world and enslaving Darren to do his dirty biddings.
Not the striking pain in his stomach, but the wetness underneath him.

"Darren, Darren..... DARREN!" He angrily yelled, jabbing Darren hard in his head when he didn't answer the first two times.

"Yo, Ry. Why did you do that?" Darren slowly sat up and rub his head, not looking in Ryan's direction.

"Darren." Ryan call him again.

"What bro?" He ask, clearly annoyed that Ryan woke him up.

Darren took up his phone and look at the time. An agitated sigh left his lips when he saw 3:30am on his phone screen. Why did Ryan choose to wake him up at this hour? He can't wait till the day he's completely free of Ryan. Yes, they are going to have a child together, but they can co-parent from a far.

"What do you want?" He ask, mindlessly rubbing his hand over the bed. But stop when he felt the wetness. He look over at Ryan, who had already sat up holding his small but big enough nine months belly, and stare at him weirdly. "Did you piss the bed?"

Ryan scowl at him, fighting the urge to smack him in the face. The pain now intensifying, but to Ryan, it just felt like a pin prick.

"No you idiot, my water broke!"

Darren just stare at him blankly, which cause Ryan to growl impatiently.

"I am going into labor!"

"Oh.." Darren reply, his brain still not catching on. "Oh! We need to get Oli and Seb!" Darren started to panic when realization hits him.

"Darren, get yourself together! We can't go disturb Oli and Seb, they are busy with their own kids and needs rest." Ryan got up from the bed, and started to stuff his phone and charger in his already packed baby bag. "Call Tyler and Justin." Ryan lean against the wall to breathe for two seconds.

Darren grab his phone and dial manger Ty's number. "Darren, you better have a good reason for waking me up at 3:35 in the morning." Manager Ty's raspy voice came over the phone after the third ring.

"I do. Ryan water just broke, and we need to get-" But the phone call ended before he could finish talking, and frantic knocking sounded at the door.

They are half way to the same private medical center that Oli and Seb had their babies, when Justin look over at Ryan with a weird expression.

"What bruh?" Ryan ask, when he felt Justin's eyes bore into him.

"Are you in pain? Oli cried the whole time when his water broke."

"Nah. The pain is there, believe me when I tell you. But, it's just like a small bowling ball hitting me in my stomach." Ryan rub his stomach calmly. "But Ty, can you please drive a bit faster. I don't want to have.....this small human inside your car." Manager Ty just roll his eyes at the bleached hair boy, and tried not to break the speed limit. Why would he anyway? Yes, Ryan is in labor. At least everyone thinks he is. If Tyler hadn't seen that Ryan's water broke, he would have believed that it's all a prank. But Ryan is just sitting there calm and collect, unlike Oliver who screamed bloody murder the whole ride to the medical center.

In the operating room.

"Ryan, we need to give you anesthesia inorder to do your C-section." The doctor told Ryan, but he refuse to go under. "Aren't you feeling pain? Don't you want to get this over with quickly?"

"Pain? What I am feeling, I wouldn't call it pain. I don't know why Oliver and Sebastian made a big deal out of it. And yes, I want to get this little....person out as quickly as possible. But I want to see what y'all are doing to my body."

The doctor and the two nurses stood there in shock with their mouths open. Wondering how is he so calm, and with no sign of pain written on his face. They know that he's in labor because he is dilating fast, but the fact that he's just so calm.

"Come on Ry, don't be difficult." Darren said, picking his hand up and kissing it.

"Darren, what the hell." Ryan snatch his hand away. "Don't you Ever. Do. That. Again."

"Fine, whatever. Just let them administrator the anesthesia to you so I can see my frickin kid." Irritation filling Darren's voice.

"No way, let them cut me open just the way I am. And, why are you here anyway?" Ryan look up at Darren with suspicious eyes, making Darren look at him weirdly.

"I am the fa-"

"Doc, cut me open right now. I don't want his face the first thing my baby sees when he arrives." Ryan interrupted Darren.

"Hey!" Darren whisper yelled, clearly offended.

"Don't listen to him, he's just masking his labor pain with anger and insults. Deep down, he doesn't mean in." The doctor comfort Darren with a reassuring pat, before turning back to the very stubborn Ryan. "Ok Ryan, here's what we will do. I am going to numb the bottom half of your body, but we are going to hide it with a screen. But you can see if we are taking out any of your organs if that is what you are worried about." The doctor explained to Ryan.

"Ok, fine." Was Ryan's reply, and the doctor and nurses started the procedure for the C-section.

"So now Ryan, I will be injecting the anesthesia into your side." The doctor started to explain his action, as he gently place his hand on Ryan swollen stomach and was about to inject him but Ryan flinched.

"Ouch." Ryan groan softly."

"Ryan, what's wrong? Did I hurt you?" The doctor ask concern.

"No, just felt a sharp pain. But I am good now."

The doctor nodded understandingly. "That was a contraction, the baby wants out." The doctor continue what he was doing before, and pretty soon, Ryan felt nothing from his stomach down.

One hour later, every NSB member is in Ryan's room at the medical center, staring at Ryan and his....little person as he likes to call the baby.

"Aw, so adorable." Sebastian cooed as he hold RJ close to his chest. "What is the baby's name."

"It wasn't my favorite name, but..." He look over at Darren who is sitting on a chair next to the bed, and smiling down at his little bundle of joy that is nestled cozily in Ryan's arms. "Meet Darryan Nguyen-Liang. This little guy is going to be as tough as nails, and the best gamer this world will ever know."

Ryan smile proudly down at his little guy that is now sleeping, which is kinda weird for the other boys. Because Ryan rarely smiles, but when a kid is involved. They changes everything.

"Bro, we have a lot of daddy days ahead of us." Regie patted Darren on the shoulder, looking over at his own three bundles of joy in Oliver's and Sebastian's arms.

"Well, I am ready to take on the challenge." Darren smile.

A/N. Soooo, Ryan finally got his....little person.
Anyways, what did you all think?
P.S I came up with the name on the spot, so please don't laugh at it.

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