Sebastian x Darren

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Seb's POV.

      It is raining hard outside, and the boys decided that we should watch a movie because it's still too early to sleep. The sky had gone dark about half an hour ago, but the rain kept pouring.

     "So, what movie should we watch?" Oli ask, as he sat down in between me and Regie.

     "How about Haunted Mania?" Justin suggested. (A/N. I literally couldn't think of a horror movie name.)

We all agreed to watch Haunted Mania, and waited for Kane to return with the popcorn.

     We are halfway through the movie, when all the lights suddenly went out and lightning started flashing. I jump at the first crack of thunder, and felt Oliver chuckling beside me.

    "Hey Seb, are you scared?" Oliver said to me, I can barely make him out in the dark.

    "W-what, n-no. I am not, why would I be?" I stattered nervously, but he just replied with a chuckle.

Another crack of lightning echoes throughout the house, causing me to jump. Grabbing Oliver's biceps in the process.

    "Ok guys, I think we should call it a night and go to bed." Manager Ty said from somewhere in the living room, but I couldn't tell where because of the darkness.

We tell each other goodnight as we carefully walk up the stairs to our rooms.

    Now, here I am in my room, curl up in my bed with the blanket wrap tightly around me. Afraid to even close my eyes. The thunderstorm still going strong outside, and my phone being the only light source in my dark room. Scared out of my mind as the moon and lightning illuminate tree branches and other objects outside, making creepy shapes on my room walls.
Another crack of thunder got me bolting from my bed and out of my room. My phone clutch tightly in my hands, as I made my way to Oli's room. But when I got there and open the door, I got the shock of my life. Oliver was snuggled into Regie's chest, while Regie's big muscular arms held him close. A silent "aw" left my lips as I stare at them before closing the door.
I decided to see if Justin is still awake, but he too had company. I guess Ryan didn't want to stay in the dark with Darren. So I guess Kane is my only opt....why? Why luck isn't on my side tonight? I whine when I saw that Kane's room is empty.
There is one person who's room I hadn't try, and who I know is by himself, because Ryan is sleeping in Justin's room and I know for a fact that Kane isn't there. I shake the thought from my head, because I wasn't that desperate. But quickly charge into Darren's room when a crack of thunder echo throughout the house.

    I slam Darren's room door shut, and lean against it, panting harshly as my legs shake.

    "Seb, is that you?" Darren ask from his bed.

  "Yea. Um....c-can I sl...." I took a deep breath before speaking again. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I ask, turning my head away.

  "Um, sure." Darren answer, moving over to make space on the bed. "Come on, get over here." Darren patted the spot eagerly, way too eagerly for my liking.

I hesitantly walk to the bed and slowly lay down, making sure to leave a good amount of space in-between me and Darren.


  A few awkward, silent and uncomfortable minutes later, I felt Daren arm over my chest. I harshly threw his arm off me and then turn to face him.

    "Why are you touching me bro?"

   "It's cold and I wanted to cuddle."
I just rolled my eyes at him, and was about to turn my back to him. When another crack of thunder echoes throughout the room, and I jump on top of him.

   "Seb, are you afraid of the thunder? Is it why you are here?" Darren ask, stroking my hair a bit.

  "That's none of your buis....ahh!" I screamed when another thunder cracked.

  "Hey, hey. It's ok, it's just thunder." Darren stroke my hair more tenderly, and it somewhat distracted me from the storm outside.
Until I heard another crack of thunder, and I started to shake again.

    "Distract me!" I yell, startling Darren.

     "What, h-how should I dis-"

     "I don't know, just do anything!" And before I know it, Darren smash his lips against mine.

I was startled a bit, and wanted to pull away. But when the lightning struck again, I grab him and deepen the kiss.

    A few minutes passed, and Darren and I are both naked and rolling about on his bed. He managed to pin me down and I just accept the submission, getting a few bites on my bottom lip when I refuse to spread my legs.
He left trails of wet kisses down my body, then come back up and attack my lips again. Rubbing his hand in between my thighs, and I couldn't help but moan.

    "Seb, do you really want to do this?" Darren stop and look into my eyes.

I look outside, and I am pretty sure it's still pouring. So I lean up and kiss him as my answer. After that, my moans and his grunts filled the room. His name repeatedly slipping from my mouth as he "distracted" me. The thunderstorm forgotten a long time ago.

With a last pound from Darren, I squirt on my stomach, as I moaned his name into his ear. Making him spill as well.
We stare into each other eyes, as we tried to get our breathing back to normal.

    "Did I distract you?"
    "Yes you did. Now I know who to come to when I need distraction." He just smile at me and was about to kiss me when we heard someone clearing their throat.

    "We just wanted to let you guys know that the lights are back on." Oliver said, as he look at us weirdly, and Regie stood behind him with his mouth wide open.

Hey guys, another....wait, in coming message.

So, I got a confirmation from Seb. Stating that he didn't want to get into entanglement with Darren, the thunderstorm made him do it. And that's why the chapter is so long.


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