Confession gone wrong

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Welp, ello everyone, and welcome back to ano-"

Author: Back up, this is my story. So I give the author's note around here.
Hey my lovely read-no, my wonderful friends. That's right, friends. Here's another chapter, I hope you all enjoy😁

      Sebastian is in his room watching Kane's live on YouTube. Kane has just announced that he has a love confession to make, and he wanted the stars to witness this "magical" experience with him. Seb sat on his bed wondering who Kane was going to confess his love to. He hasn't told him or anyone else in the house that he found a girl that he likes. He continued to watch Kane's live, just as Kane got up and started to leave his room.

   "So stars, I am going to confess to that special person right now. Oh God, I am so nervous right now. Wish me luck stars." Kane laughed nervously, as he made his way to his desired destination.

Seb perked up in curiosity, can't wait to see the person Kane is going to confess to. But at the same time he can't believe that Kane brought a girl to the house. Didn't he learn the last time? Seb grip the Hem of his black t-shirt, as different emotions wash over him. He is curious to see the girl Kane is going to confess to, yet he is angry that he brought her to the house. But unhappy that he chose to confess his love, not even a crush or like, but love, to her, live on YouTube.

    "Ok guys, we are getting close, and now I am extremely nervous. What if they don't reciprocate the same feeling as me?" Sebastian hears Kane's announcement, but he tosses his phone to the side. Can't bear to watch the live any longer, even though he is just as curious as everyone else to see who the mystery person is.

Sebastian sighs deeply as he lay onto his stomach and buried his face into his pillow. Why is he feeling like this? He should be happy that Kane found someone that makes him truly happy, that he would even go live on YouTube to confess to them. 

   "We are almost there." He heard Kane's voice through the phone. He sighs in frustration and buries his head deeper into his pillow. He wanted to scream, but he didn't want to at the same time. 

He still could hear Kane's excited but nervous voice, until everything went silent. He then hears knocking at his door, and he groans in frustration thinking it might be one of the other boys calling him to come and meet Kane's new girlfriend.

   "Go away!" He yells, his voice a bit muffled by the pillow. But the knocking still continued. 

Arhh!" Seb groans in annoyance and stomps his way to the door. Yanking it open to come face to face with Kane and his camera pointing in his face. "Kane, what are you doing?" Seb narrowed his eyes at the smiley boy in front of him, as he pushed the camera out of his face.

  "I have something important that I want to tell you." Kane nervously uttered, his hand shaking a bit.

Seb turns his back to him and walks inside his room. "You don't have to say anything. I already heard what you said in your live. Aren't you still live by the way?" He stated, pointing to the camera that is still facing the floor.

  "Oh, oops. Sorry about that stars. But we are here with Sebastian Moy, himself, and I have something important to tell him. But he's being stubborn like always." Kane cracks a smile, as he looks back at Seb. "So are you ready to listen?"

  "Bro, I already know what you are going to say."

   "You do?" Kane raised a brow at him.

  Sebastian grit his teeth in anger. "Yes. It doesn't matter now, you brought a girl here without notifying me, Oliver and Ty. You already broke that rule once, and you are doing it again. But it's ok this time because you have-"

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