You're the dad (Part 3)

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Everyone stood silent, as what Sebastian had just said still circulating in their heads.

"Y-y-you're p-preg...." Oliver took a deep breath and held on to the counter as he felt nauseous, and  finding it difficult to breathe. "A-a-and R-Regie i-s the fath-" Oliver stopped mid sentence, before running to the bin as bile rose up in his mouth and he hurl into the bin.

"Oli! Are you ok!" Regie rush over to him and try rubbing his back, but got pushed away by Oliver instead.

"D-dont touch me." Oliver whisper yelled, dry heaving.

The room became quiet again, with only the sound of Oliver dry heaving every two seconds, and Ryan trying not to throw up as well.

"I can't take this no more, how are you not affected by Oli's dry heaving Seb?" Ryan broke the silence, as he place his hand over his mouth and mkes a gagging sound. "I am going upstairs before I add to the bigger mess that's already down here. Regie, what you did is so low." Ryan said to Regie, before grabbing Darren by the hair and pull him up the stairs.

Regie swallow harshly, as Ryan's words sunk in his mind. Why did he put himself in this mess? Why didn't he think his actions through before doing them? He didn't think, but why would he? It's not like he had known that the brothers could get pregnant.

Manager Ty saw the haunted look on Regie's face, and he want to comfort him. He really did, but he can't. Regie has to handle this matter on his own, and whatever decision him and the Moy brothers make, he will support them as best as he can. But right now, there's nothing he can do, apart from giving them space and privacy to talk.

"Come on Kane and Justin, let's give them some privacy." He ushered Kane and Justin who still can't believe what is happening, up the stairs.

An uncomfortable silence engulf the kitchen after Manager Ty left. Regie tried to comfort Oliver again, but he pushed him away and went to the fridge to get himself a bottle of water. When he turn to face both Regie and Seb, his eyes are red and filled with tears, and his face pale.

"H-h-how c-ould..." He didn't get a chance to finish, because he started crying. And it took every fibre in Sebastian's body, to not go and pull his brother into a warm hug.

Now he regrets every ill-mannered treatment he had lashed out at his brother since the pass two and a half months. He regrets ever being intimate with Regie, he even regret the little person growing inside of him. He regrets everything, just by seeing his brother shedding tears.

"Oli....I am sorry." He whisper loud enough, so the other two boys could hear.

Oliver tried to get his crying under control, but the heartbreak is too great. He wants to punch Sebsation in the face, but at the same time he wants to hug him and tell him that everything is going to be ok.
He hear shuffling, and when he look in the direction it's coming from, he saw Regie approaching him with a few pieces of paper towels in his hands.

Regie tries to wipe Oliver's tears away, but Oli flinch everytime he touches him.

"Oliver, I am so sorry. If I knew that this was going to happen, I wouldn't have-"

"If you knew that this was going to happen?" Oliver interrupted him. "If you knew what was going to happen? Huh? The fact that Seb is also pregnant! The fact that I could get pregnant, or the fact that you broke my heart!" Oliver started to yell, making Regie cower away from his wrath.


"No Regie, just don't." Oli spoke quietly at the end.

Oliver took some calming breaths, to not over stress his body. He has to remember that his body doesn't belong to him alone now, but an innocent little person who didn't ask to be apart of this mess.

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