Naughty Nightmare (Seb x Ryan)

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A/N. I got two requests for Seb x Ryan, from jahcloyd and lowkeykassidy So please enjoy😊

     The boys had just ended another YT video, and everyone is either tired, hungry or in the mood to hit the gym. Expect for Sebastian, who wanted nothing more than to go curl up on the couch and sleep.

As his eyes started to flutter close, a sharp jab in his side cause him to jump upright and look for the purprotrater. But he didn't see anyone. Sebastian rolled his eyes in annoyance, and turn on his right side. But almost had a heart attack when he came face to face with a creepy looking smirking Ryan. Who just got up off the floor and walked away.

Sebastian watches Ryan's retreating form, as his eyes fluttered close again, willing his mind to think about a shirtless Regie from when they filmed earlier.

     It was the coldness of something dripping on Seb's face made him suddenly wake up, wiping at whatever that is running down his face.
Sighing a sigh of relief when he realize that it's just water, he got comfortable again. But groan out in annoyance when he saw Ryan standing over him with a bottle of cold water in his hand.

    "Bro, what's your problem? Why did you throw water on my face?" Seb ask, annoyance seep through his words.

   "Nothin. You just looked hot, and I decided to cool you down." Ryan simple reply before walking upstairs, leaving Sebastian confused and highly suspicious.

    A couple minutes passed, and Seb decided to go take a shower. After trying endlessly to fall back asleep, but couldn't. He realize how quiet the house is, but figured that the rest of the boys have already left for the gym. But why didn't Ryan go?
Seb shake the thought from his head, and take the stairs two at a time. He got to his room, and went straight to his bathroom to shower.

After his fifteen minutes shower, he walked out of his bathroom with a nice fluffy towel wrapped around his waist, while towel drying his hair. Only to drop the towel he was drying his hair with, when he saw Ryan half laying on his bed with a sickenly sweet smile on his face. Which started to freak Seb out, because Ryan hardly ever smile.

   "Hey R-Ryan, did you want s-something?" He glup, when Ryan got up from the bed, and took slow sexy? strides to him.

   "Bro, what are you doing?!" Seb yelled in alarm, as Ryan slowly trace his index finger down Seb's abs. Following the path of the water droplets that ran down his chest.

Ryan softly chuckles as he got closer to Seb's face. His hot minty breath fanning over Seb's lips. "You asked me if I wanted something, now I am just taking what I want." And with those words said, he locked lips with Sebastian.  

    Seb stood frozen when he felt Ryan's warm soft lips against his. Was this a prank the boys are playing on him? Are they fulfilling manager Ty's diss from their rap battle video they did earlier? But all that thought quickly exited Seb's brain when he felt himself kissing Ryan back.

The simple kiss became a full make out session, with Ryan's hand roaming Seb's body. While soft moans left his lips as he tilt his neck so Seb could have better access to suck on it.

   "S-Seb!" Ryan moan out loud when Sebastian found his sweet spot. "Stop teasing me already, and just screw me." His nails rake down Seb naked back, as his body arch off the bed.

The thought of what is happening now flash through Sebastian's head,  and he wanted to push Ryan away. But he just threw caution to the wind when he heard Ryan moaned, and saw the needy bottom boy look on his face. A smile makes its way onto Seb's face, when a brilliant idea popped in to his head.

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