Darren x Ryan

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Darren's POV.

It's not my fault that I am madly in like with him. It's not my fault that I find his scary, yet quiet self reserved behavior alluring. It's not my fault that I have feelings for a guy who doesn't reciprocate the same feelings as me, but have feelings for someone else.
I sigh sadly as I sat in the kitchen, watching Ryan watch Regie, as he cuddle with Seb on the couch. How could he be so blind? Not seeing that Regie is madly in love with Sebastian, and I am right here waiting for him. Ready to give him the world, if he ask for it.

Another sigh left my lips at the same time Justin came into the kitchen.

   "What's wrong with you?" He ask, as he grab a water bottle from the fridge and came and sat down beside me.

    "There's nothing...." My voice trailed off as I continue to look at Ryan.

Justin must have followed my line of view, because what he said next got me swiftly turning to look at him.

    "What did you just say?" I ask him, even though I heard what he said quite well.

   "Bruh you heard me. But I will play along.  "You got the hots for our cute little Azngami don't you?" He laugh when I didn't answer, and pat me on the shoulder. "Well hungrydarbear, I can have Ryan screaming your name by the end of the day."

I laugh at him, cause this dude is talking cap. There is no way that Justin can get Ryan to like me back. It would take a miracle for that to happen. Why? First of all, Ryan likes Regie. Why wouldn't he anyway, I mean look at the guy. Great lips, nice body and the dude is hot as hell when he's shirtless and wearing his glasses. And second, I am Ryan's least favorite person in the house. I always act sus with him, because that's the only way I can express my feelings without him finding out, but even then, I still get shot down. And Justin is standing right here, beside me, talking crap.

   "Bro stop talking cap, you can never do something like that. We are talking about Ryan. The guy basically hates me." I whine, can't take my eyes off Ryan for a minute.

   "Of course I can. Just get him away from Regie."

   "Don't you think that I already tried that." I told him, and smile when I saw  Ryan turn in our direction. But it faded when he glared at me, before turning back to gawk at Regie again.

    "Don't worry about that, leave it up to me. You just have to borrow Oli's car and meet Ryan out front in thirty minutes." Justin got up, and started to walk towards Ryan. When I remembered that I haven't seen Oliver at all today.

    "Justin, do you know where Oliver is?"

   "Check his room. Him and Kane have been touchy with each other lately, so that's the first place you should look." He answered and then went over to Ryan.

    I left the kitchen and head up to Oli's room. A smile on my face, as I think about Ryan snuggled up in my arms. And me running my hand through his hair, when I hear something banging on the wall in Oliver's room.

I cautiously walk towards the door, and slowly knocked, before putting more force into it so it could overpower the banging in the room.

The banging sound suddenly stopped, before I hear shuffling and the door opening to reveal a disheveled Oliver. It is like he was caught in a mini tornado.

    "Did I um... interrupt something?" I watch as he look behind him, into his room.

   "N-no, I w-was just working on some music-"

   "Bruh, stop capping. I know what you and Kane were doing. How could I not, with your messy hair, your shirt is on backwards and inside out, and you are wearing Kane's sweatpants." He followed my eyes to the bottom half of his body, and I smirk when I saw the blush dusting his cheeks.

   "What do you want Darren?" He ask slightly annoyed.

   "Can I borrow your car to take Ryan out on a date?"

   "You finally got the courage to ask him out." Oliver smiled at me, which makes me wonder if everyone knows about my crush.

   "Not really, Justin is helping me."

Oliver nodded at me, and handed me his car keys. "Alright dude. Just be you, and charm the pants off Ryan."

   "Thanks bro." He smile in return. "I won't keep you away from Kane any longer."

He open his mouth to respond, but shook his head and close the door. I started to smile again when Ryan crossed my mind, but then I remember something. Oli and Tyler share a room, and Oli and Kane is doing the nasty....what if Manager...."Ty!" I practically yell, when I almost bumped into him. "Manager Ty is here! What's up Tyler!"

   "What do you want Darren?" He ask, not really sounding like he's in the mood to talk to me.

I can't let him catch Oli and(shudder)Kane.

    "I just want to say...hey."

     "Hi Darren. Now can you please get out of the way so I can pass."

I step to the side, and he look at me weirdly before shaking his head and continue to his room.
Well they can't say that I didn't warn them.

    I quickly went to my room, and change into something nice. Making sure that I smell good and look presentable. I skip down the stairs and waltz outside to see a grumpy Ryan standing a few feet away from a smiley Justin.

   "How did you convince him to-"

    "Nevermind that, just do what ya got to do. But please, don't screw him in our bed. Do it in Oliver's car or Ryan and Regie's room. Regie won't be there, I took care of everything. Now go. He push me towards Ryan.

I thank him, before turning to Ryan and opening the car door for him. Which he just mumbled under his breath, and angrily went into the car. I calmly close the door, not making Ryan's grumpiness ruin my mood, and went to the driver's side.

   The car ride is filled with an uncomfortable silence that I wish I could get rid of. But when I look over at Ryan to say something to him, I swallowed my words when I saw the glare on his face.

I took him to get some Korean BBQ, and then for dessert, I bought him some cookie and cream ice cream. Before settling for a nice walk in the cool night air. And by the time we arrive at home, Ryan is talking and laughing with me.

   "Let's go to the pool." He said when we got out of the car.


    "I am not ready to go inside as yet." He grab my hand and drag me to the pool.

We sat down and let our feet dangle in the cold water after taking off our shoes.  A comfortable silence surrounding us, before Ryan decides to break it.

   "I always knew you liked me, but I was took caught up in liking Regie to even care. But when Justin told me how much you cared....and I remembered all the looks I always see in your eyes when you look at me. And than I look at how Regie gives Sebastian those same looks, I realized that I am just wasting my time. And for that, I am sorry."

I don't know what came over me, and I just hug him.

   "Darren, what are you doing?! Are you trying to kill me? You know that I don't like hugs."

I pull away from him and smile. And its like a romance movie, when the atmosphere changes, and that soft romantic music starts to play. And we both lean in, until our lips intertwined.

The kiss was slow at first, then it turned into a full make out session. Before we both know it, we are naked in the pool and the water slushing around us. Ryan's moans echoes throughout the silent yard, and I didn't care. I was on euphoria right now, and I wanted everyone to know that he is mine. I scattered a numerous of hickeys on his neck and chest, as I pounded into him one last time before we both realise. Ryan fell asleep soon after, when I took him out of the pool and wrap him in my shirt. I pick him up bridal style, and turn to carry him inside when I saw Justin at the door.

   "Thank you!" I whisper yell to him, and he gave me a thumbs up before heading back inside.

I look down at Ryan and smile at his sleeping form. When a thought crossed my mind.

Was Justin standing there and watching us the whole time? I don't care anyway, but if it wasn't for him, I wouldnt have my little Azngami in my arms right now.

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