Love confession gone wrong 2

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A/N. So this is part 2 of love confession gone wrong, and I must say, Seb is really giving it to Kane.

I wanted to write a nice and heartwarming love confession and a little make up action, but my toxicity of a friend didn't want me to have my way. So spoiler alert: Seb's snotty and sassy attitude towards Kane is all her fault. Anyways enough of me yapping, please enjoy.

    Kane and Sebastian  have been avoiding each other since Kane's little "prank" confession video. On Kane's end, to say he is embarass would be an understatement. He was humiliated, embarass, unhappy, degraded, depressed and a whole bunch of other things. Sebastian rejecting him, live on YouTube, really mortified him, and it's going to take him a whole lot of self reassurance and emotional control to even muster up the courage to even look Sebastian in the eye.

For Sebastian now, it's the fact that he blew things outta proportion, and now he was embarass. It's not like he didn't like Kane's little confession, in all honesty, he loved it. He has been crushing on Kane for a while now, and he was stoked that Kane felt the same way. At least he thought he did, but according to Kane, it was all a prank. That made Sebastian really upset. Yes, he blew things out of proportion. But he didn't like the fact that Kane confess his fake feelings for him all over YouTube. But it's a good thing he didn't show any sign of having any feelings towards him because he could never live with that humiliation trailing behind him forever.

    Sebastian and Oliver are hanging out, you know, a little brotherly bonding time, when they saw Kane and a girl sitting inside a Thai restaurant. Sebastian stops walking and stares inside the restaurant, his hands ball into fists when he saw Kane lean over and whisper something in the girl's ear making her laugh.

   "Seb? Seb? Seb!" Oliver yelled.

   "What?" Sebastian frowned at him, but it didn't last too long before the couple inside the restaurant gained his attention again.

    "What are you looking at really? Is it   that you really want some Thai food, the fact that Kane is out with a girl or is it that you are jealous? My best guess is the latter."

"W-whaat….Oli….haha….w-who's j-j…man you crazy. I just want some Thai food. We should even bring manager Ty some. Woah, Ty and Thai, what are the odds." Sebastian stutters and nervously smiles as he faces his older brother, but it suddenly fades when he saw the unconvincing look on Oli's face. "I-"

   "No. First of all, you are not making any sense with the whole Ty and Thai thing. Second your poor knuckles are so white from how hard you are squeezing your fists and thirdly, you are so jealous you can't even say the word."

  "T-that's not true, I can say je…I don't need to say it because I'm not." Oli raises an eyebrow at him, the corner of his lips turning up into a mocking smirk, which started to get under Sebastian's skin. "Come on Oliver. Why would I be jealous of Kane? Even though he pranked me live on YouTube, if I had feelings for him, I would have dived into his arms and not be here right now watching him whispering into some girl's ear. I mean, what could he be saying that is so hilarious for her to laugh so loud? I mean come on, how could he be attracted to that nasal laugh that she has. And don't get me started on her hair. Is it brown, or is it the colour of mud? It's not even silky smooth like mine. How could Kane be so selfish!" Sebastian folded his arms across his chest and pouted which made Oli laugh because of how childish his brother is being. "What are you laughing at?" Seb pouted even more.

  "Honestly, you. Come on Sebastian, you are so jealous it's not even funny. You don't even know the girl Kane is with and you are saying mean things about her. And how could you say Kane is selfish, when he is the most kind, caring and selfless guy we know. And dude, you are like a broken record with all your 'i mean'." Sebastian opened his mouth to protest but Oli didn't give him a chance. "No Seb, I won't stand here and let you make Kane and that poor innocent girl the bad guys. You should be blaming yourself. Kane confessed to you and you turned him down, so what if he found someone now that truly likes him."

Sebastian grumpily grumbles under his breath, as he kicks at the ground with the tip of his shoes. Seeing all the truth in Oliver's words, but he just couldn't have it that way. Kane and his little girlfriend are the bad guys, especially the girl, and Sebastian won't stop until he gets Oli on his side.

   "If you say so. But remember, Kane doesn't truly like me. It was all a prank." 

  "That's what Kane is going with, but do you like him? And I don't mean just like, I mean like, like, like him?"

"Oh, you mean like how you like, like Regie?" 

Oli goes still by Sebastian words, which made Sebastian smirk. "You thought that no one noticed, but we do."

  "Whatever man, this has nothing to do with me and Regie. But on a real note Sebastian, Do. You. Like. Kane?"

Sebastian didn't hesitate to answer. "No."

   "Then ok then. Let's go." Oliver took hold of Seb's hand and started to pull him away, but Seb started to hesitate. Looking from his brother and back to Kane and the girl inside the restaurant. "What is it now?" Oli asks, starting to get annoyed by his brother's antics.

   "What if he decides to take her back to the house? You know that Kane has a tendency to break that rule."

   "I don't think he would do that again, and if it comes to that. We will confront him about it."


   "No Sebastian, no more buts. Let's just go back home."

   "Ok fine, but when we get home, am going to tell Regie that you like him "

   "You can do whatever you want, as long as you don't bother me about Kane and whatever he is doing with that girl."

       To be continued...

A/N. Part 3 is coming, so look out for it. Oh, and can you all plz go and support my YT channel? I would appreciate it so much😊


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