You're the dad!

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"Hey, um.. R-Regie. I am going to tell you something, but you have to promise me that you won't get mad." Oliver nervously wrung his fingers together, as he look at Regie.

Regie got up from off his bed, when he saw Oliver nervously shaking, to the point of almost falling to the floor. Went over to him, and grab Oliver by the hand, and pull him over to the bed to sit down.

"Are you ok, what do you want to tell me?" Regie turn Oliver's head, so that he can see his face.

Oliver swallowed nervously, avoiding eye contact with Regie. ", promise that you won't get mad."

"Why would I get mad? Just tell me."

Oliver took a deep breath, and try to calm down his nerves a bit before finding the courage to speak.

"So, as you know, I have been throwing up a lot since the past week-"

"Yea, and man that was gross as hell." Regie interrupted Oliver, earning a glare from the nervous boy. "I am sorry, continue." Regie quickly apologize.

"As I was saying, Sebastian followed me to the doctor today. And it turns out that...I...I have I am.."

"Oli, how sick are you. And why did you think that I would be mad?"

Oliver nervously plays with his fingers, to stop them from shaking. Trying to find the right words to tell the sexy Filipino sitting beside him.

"I found out that I will be sick for nine months, but I will have to live with this sickness for eighteen years before it can venture out on its own."

Regie scratch his head in confusion, as he tries to piece together what Oliver is saying. But when he couldn't figure it out, he turned to Oliver and said, "Bro, what are you trying to say?"

Oliver took a deep breath before turning to look Regie in the eyes and said, "I am pregnant, and you are the father."

Regie didn't move or say anything, he just sat there staring at Oliver. Which made Oliver's stomach churn from Regie's silence. He was about to get up and leave, but Regie grab his hand and pull him back down to the bed.

"I thought you said that we didn't do pranks. Where are the other boys and the cameras. You are joking right? This is for YouTube." Regie said, looking around the room.

"I wish it was." Oliver mumbles, as tears blurry his vision.

Regie stare at Oliver, seeing that the boy is genuinely upset. But have to be sure that he wasn't being prank.

"Come on Oli, stop playing."

"I-i am n-not. Look at this if you don't believe me." Oliver took a fold up paper from his pocket and shove it into Regie's hand.

Regie's face paled as he look up at Oli. "You're not joking. How can this be happening, I mean, you are a guy for crying out loud. This is impossible."

"I know what you mean. That's how I reacted when the doctor told me too. He said that it's some rare family gene that me and Sebastian have. And now you think of me as a freak, and I am left with a kid that is coming in nine months, and I still have Seb to look after because I don't want the same thing that happened to me happen to him. And i-"

"Oliver, shut the hell up." Regie covers Oliver's mouth and stare deeply in his eyes. "Did I say I didn't want the baby? Did I call you a freak? I might have to still wrap my head around all this, but I would never abandon you. So shut the hell up and let's figure all this out together." Oliver nodded and Regie move his hand from over his mouth. "How do you know that I am the father, didn't you and Kane go out for Valentine's day?"

"Yes, but Kane and I just went to first base. Unlike me and you that..."

"Ok, no need to get into details of what we did."

Regie smile lovingly at Oliver, before putting his arm around his shoulders and pulling him in for a hug. "We will get through this together." He kiss the top of his head, and then nuzzle his nose into Oli's silky hair.

Oliver wrap his arms around Regie's waist and hold him tightly, a big smile tugging at his face. Happy that Regie accepted the pregnancy. Only thing now is finding out how the boys will react.

"When should we tell the boys?" Oliver look up from Regie's chest, to see his face.

"Anytime you are ready, just tell me and I will be there to help you tell them." Regie reply, kissing Oliver's fingers and then placing his hand on Oliver's still flat stomach.

"I only hope that they don't freak out and accept it, especially Sebastian." Oli murmur the last part.
But what he didn't know was that Sebastian is at the door listening and watching them through the small crack at the door, which Oli forgot to close completely, with a secret of his own.

Hey my lovelies, part 2 is coming. Right after Ryan and Justin battle it out in a...well let's just keep it a secret for now.

Btw, what secret do you all think Seb is hiding?

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