You're the dad(Part 5)

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Oliver cries in pain as the doctors at the private medical center, carried him into the OR. Where they will perform a C-section to deliver the baby.

"This is all your fault Regie!" Oliver yelled, as he tightly squeeze Regie's arm. Making him yelp in pain. "I will never ever let you near me again. I hate you so much right now!" Sadness took over Regie's demeanor when he heard Oliver's words, and he look at his pain twisted face.

"Don't take what he said seriously." The doctor pat him on the shoulder as they reach the double doors to the OR. "He's just in a lot of pain right now, and he's channeling it into anger and lashing out at you." Regie smile at the doctor, and swiftly pull his hand out of Oliver's tight grip. Clutching it to his chest, trying to get back feeling in it. "Would you like to come into the delivery-"

"No." Regie quickly said. Fear overtaking his body, as the sudden realization of him going to be a father suddenly hits him in waves.

Meanwhile, back out in the waiting room. The rest of the NSB members are there waiting for any news on Oliver's delivery.

"That's going to be me soon." Seb mumbled, as he bounce his feet up and down. Biting his nails from nerves.

"And I can't wait." Kane said softly, as he rub Sebastian's belly and kiss him on the forehead.

"I can't wait until Ryan give birth, it's going to be the best day of my life." Darren chimed in, causing Ryan to scowl at him.

"What is that supposed to mean, huh? And you better have a good reas-"

"Bro, you need to chill. Please." Seb interrupt Ryan's angry rant at Darren.

"Why? He's the reason why I am like this, and I hate it." Ryan started to list all the things he hates about being pregnant, which made Seb annoyingly roll his eyes at him.

"You haven't experienced the true meaning of being pregnant yet. You're what....three months into it, and your stomach is almost as flat as my palm. While me and Oli have to limit our time on social media. Right now I am wearing a XXL hoodie, and I have on a XXL t-shirt underneath." Seb took a deep breath before continuing. "Oli had to wear XXXL hoodies, which makes me think that his baby going to weigh the same as a full size turkey. My feet are swollen, along with my nose. My back aches, and I have to pee every few minutes. And you are here complaining, and giving Darren hell." The room went quiet, and a second after, everyone heard Ryan mumbled sorry and walk a few meters from the group.

"Kane, can you help me to the bathroom. I got to pee?"

"Sure Sebby, anything for you." Kane help him up and they left the waiting room.

Right after they left, Regie walks through the double doors that leads from the entrance of the OR.

"Hey bro, what's up with Oli? Did he have the baby already?" Justin ask, as Regie sat down beside him.

"Not yet." Regie reply.

"So why are you out here? Shouldn't you be in there with him?"

Regie rub his chin and got up and started to pace the room. "Oliver needs someone strong enough to be with him right now, and I can't be that person. At least not right now, that's why Tyler is in there." His eyes roam over the room, and a look of confusion crosses his face and he stop his pacing and turn to Justin. "Where is Seb and Kane?"


"Are right here." Kane interrupted Justin. "I just followed Seb to the bathroom." He said, smirking when Regie gave Seb a quick body scan.

A few hours passed when the double doors finally open and the doctor came out.

"Congratulations Mr Macalino, Oliver and your.....why don't you all follow me to his recovery room and see for yourself." The doctor announced. Leading them to get serialized and then brought them to Oli's room. "As I was saying. Oliver and your lovely twins are ok and healthy." He move out of the way, and the NSB members saw Oliver laying on the bed with two bundles wrapped in pink and blue blankets.

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