NSB Group Chat

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Hey my lovelies, am back! Sorry for being MIA, I have school and you all know that school assignments comes first. But, I couldn't keep you all hanging so I took sometime out of my busy schedule to update a new chapter. I hope you all like it, and please comment some new ideas. Am having a bit of a writer's block. Enough talking from me. Bye!!


Anyone active??

Darbear is online


Yep. I have been active all

day if you know what I 

mean.(wink wink)

Oli-Star ⭐

I don't know what u

mean, and I don't care to 

know. FYI, there's a wink

emoji that makes texting

so much easier.

Damn that's Regie is online

Damn that's Regie

Hey baby, what's up?


This 🍆 is up

Damn that's Regie

Man that's gross.

Oli-Star ⭐

You can't blame Darren for 

that. It's basically ur


Damn that's Regie

Stupid group chat.

I sat around waiting for 

a text from Oli all day,

so when I saw a notification

with his username I replied

without thinking.

Oli-Star ⭐

Aww. But you could've

just come to my room if 

you wanted to talk.


Did you miss me too baby🤣

Damn that's Regie

Darren shut the f- you 

know what

Oli-Star ⭐

Regie, ignore Darren.

Darren, leave my man

Its_justin is online


Whaaat? Your


Oli-Star ⭐

Hey Justin.


Hey yourself

I have to get in on 

this. Who is your man?


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