You're the dad(Part 2)

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   Seb watched Oliver and Regie for a few minutes more, before walking back to his room with a heavy heart.
He went to his bathroom and look into the mirror as he recall everything that Regie and Oliver did just a few minutes ago.
Tears slowly run down his cheeks, as he remembered how Regie kissed Oliver, and protectively place his hand on Oliver's stomach.
How come he hadn't realized what was going on from the beginning? Yes he had just learned a shocking news about him and his brother, but why is he more shocked about who his brother got pregnant for. Even though, he expected Kane to be the father because him and Oli had gone out a few times and even kissed. But what he didn't expect, is to overheard Oliver telling Regie that he's the father.

    Seb stare at his reflection a few minutes more, watching as his cheeks soaked with tears. And his fist tightened around the object he had forgotten he had.
He look down at the object, and started to sob. He know that he should be happy for his brother, but he couldn't find himself to. Not when he's in the same position as Oliver.
He drops the pregnancy test on to the bathroom counter like he has just been burnt by it, and grip his hair as angry sobs rocked his body.

He is angry for being so clueless and naive. How could he fall for his lies so easily. He should have seen that he would never measure up, and here he is now. Angrily crying, with a pregnancy test on his bathroom counter, showing positive.

   A few days has passed, and Oliver decided he wants to tell the other guys about his pregnancy. So he called a meeting, and everyone gathered in the living room.

   "So, I have..." Oliver took a shake breath before talk again. "I have something to tell you guys, but it might sound like I am pranking you. Which I am not..... because I would never do..-"

    "Bruh, just tell us!" Justin said, getting impatient.

Oli nervously smile, as he tries to stop his hands from shaking. "" he started to breathe heavily, and he instinctively wrap his hands around his stomach.

Regie saw Oliver's discomfort, and got up and went over to where Oli is standing.

    "Ok, just breathe." Regie whispered in his ear.

    "I am trying to, but I am too worried-"


     ".....about their reaction...."


    "....what if-"

    "OLIVER JUST SHUT THE HEL UP, AND TELl THEM THAT YOU ARE PREGNANT!" Regie scream, after trying to get Oliver's attention but failed.

The room went quiet and everyone stared at the two boys standing in front of them, before laughter filled the room.

   "You're all capping right now. There is no way....bruh, I thought you said we didn't do pranks." Justin was the first one to get his laughter under control.

   "Yea, there is no way that Oliver is pregnant. I mean, we did a video when he went into labor. But that was strictly for entertainment purposes." Darren chimed in.

Oliver hang his head low, and Regie didn't miss the tears in his eyes. "Come on, lay off Oliver. What I said is -"

    "You mean what you just blurted." Oliver interrupted him, with a small pout on his lips. Making Regie fight the urge to kiss him.

   "As I was saying. What I sa...I mean blurted, is the truth. Oliver is pregnant, and I am the dad." There is another round of silence, before laughter fill the room yet again.

   "Dude, you are killing me right now." Darren continue to laugh, as he hold his stomach.

Regie glare at him, his hands into fists as he step towards Darren.

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