Punishment(Regie x Kane)

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A/N. So this is a request from LilStorybaby where Kane is an intersex, and Regie might be attracted to him. But you guys have to read to find out. You guys should know that I cringe so much while writing this, and a friend of mine had to take over and use most of my ideas from my drafts, while adding some of hers.
But I just wanted to say, that I am sorry Kane. I am so sorry Kane, but it is what it is.

Guys, I am not so hot when it comes on to smuts. But I am getting there. But please enjoy, and tell me what you all think.

I am cringing so much right now.

Kane's POV.

    Regie has been sulking for about a week now. And none of us knew why. If we even approach him, he would either hurry away or snap at us in Tagalog or throw a few curse words our way.

We have just finished filming a Youtube video, but we weren't pleased with Regie's performance. He just kept on sulking the entire time.

   "We need to figure out what's wrong with Regie." Oliver said as we all make our way up the stairs.

   "For real bro. His sulking is making me agitated." Ryan added in.

We all laugh at Ryan's statement because he's always agitated, and it's not because of Regie. But Ryan did have a point, because he is making it hard for us to be around him. And I like being around Regie, because I may or may not have a little crush on him. And I miss his adorable nonchalant vibe that he has.

We walk to Regie's room, and Seb knocked on the door. But we only received a grunt from inside the room.

   "Regie, we are coming in." Oliver open the door and we all crowded in the room. "Bro, what's wrong with you? You can tell us and we will try to fix it." Oliver sat down on the bed and pat Regie's knee, which got me a bit jealous.

   "There's nothing wrong. I am just...." He lock eye contact with me, making me blush. "....in the mood for some sweet sweet sugarkane." He discreetly look at me again with a hungry stare, and I can feel myself getting wet.(cringing moment activating 😬)
The boys knew that I am an intersex, and they are really cool about it. Which I am totally grateful for, and I couldn't have ask for a better group of friends. "Guys, I want to be alone right now. So..." He points to the door.

   "No way!" I suddenly yell, and everyone turned to me. "Come on Regie, stop sulking!" I jumped on the bed beside him, which got Regie a little annoyed and glare at me. But I won't let that stop me. "Regie, my Filipino muscle manic. Stop frown and smile a little!" I squished his cheeks together. And he slap my hands away.

The boys joined in with my antics, and Regie started to get really annoyed. Until he suddenly snapped, and started to throw swear words in all directions.

  "All of you! Get out!" We all rush to the door. "Expect for you!" He pointed at me. "Stay." I stood in place, shocked. Wondering why he wants me to stay.

Oliver look from me to Regie, his brows knit in confusion. But I told him that I will be ok, and he nodded and left with the other boys.

Regie got up from the bed and walk over to where I am standing. "So, what did you accomplish from annoying me and getting me riled up?" His body got closer to mine, as he walk forward and I backwards. The back of my legs hit the bed, and Regie push me on to it.

I gulp, and my hormones started to run wild. Regie smirk when he saw how flustered I am getting, and by my heavy breathing.

He hover over me, and trail his hands down my chest. "I should punish you right now, don't you think." He smirk again as he attack my neck with rough kisses and nips.

  "A-ahhh Regie." I moan. Running my hand from his smooth silky hair and  down his muscular back.

Regie ease up from me, and took my shirt off before tying my hands together. Which got me turned on even more.

(A/N. Kane, I am sorry for what's about to happen.)

He trail even more kisses down my chest, sucking on my nipples, omitting more loud needy moans from me.

   "You better be quiet before the boys hear you. But on second thought, I want them to know who you belongs to. And why I have been sulking."

Time move forward, now I am naked and withering under Regie. As his index and pointer fingers plays with my folds, and his lips latch onto my neck leaving bite marks.

   "R...Regie...s..stop...t..t..ahh...teasing me...and..."

   "No, no, no, no. You are being punished, so I will stop when I feel that you have enough." He whispered in my ear, biting my earlobe in the process, pulling a deep moan from me.

He reach over and took up a glass from the floor with shaved ice in it. And I wonder how I haven't noticed it there before. Anyway, he took the glass up, and took out some of the ice and carefully but sensually shove it into my tight wet entrance. Slowly moving his fingers inside and out, and his thumb rubbing my clit.

My stomach tighten, and I itch closer and closer to my orgasm, as Regie hit the right spot and the shaved ice quickly melting and creating a nice cool sensation inside my cavern.

His fingers became rougher and move harder and faster. The water from the ice sloshing and squishing, as he roughly fingered me.
My moans got louder and Regie's mouth assault my neck again, as his fingers works wonders on my clit and inside my entrance.

My spread legs shake and buckled as my stomach gets tighter and tighter. I can feel that bliss that I always feel when I fingered myself, thinking about Regie buried deep inside me.

   "R...Regie....I...I..i....c..cl...close." I whimper, gripping the sheet beneath me.

  "Oh, you are now." He chuckled, before removing his hand and replace it with his dick.

"Mhahhh!" I moan out from the amazing feeling. This feels so much better than my fantasies. "Ahhh....harder!" I moan, attaching my lips with his. As he grabbed my legs and wrapped them tightly around his waist, pounding deeply into me.

The heat from our bodies mixed together, causing the room to became stuffy and the scent of our activity filled the air, as the sound of skin slapping skin and my moans bounce of the walls.

Regie started to pick up speed, probably getting close to his breaking point. But not as close as me.

  "R-Regie, I am about to...." But I didn't get to finish, as I came with the loudest moan that ever left my mouth.

Regie continue his pounding, his thrust becoming sloppier as he neared his orgasm.
He started to grunt, and his hands that he has above my head shook. And I can feel him getting bigger inside me, if that is even possible. He quickly pulled out, and came unto my chest with a low deep groan.

He roll onto his side beside me, and brush my hair that stuck to my forehead. I saw him smile at me, before my eyes flutter close from exhaustion.

Oliver and the boys heard the commotion that was happening in Regie's room.

   "I knew that Regie was sulking because he was backed up, but I always thought he would take it out on Seb. Now I owe Justin twenty bucks." Darren sigh sadly as he handed Justin his twenty bucks.

    A few minutes passed and Oliver met Regie coming from his room.

   "So, you are not sulky anymore." Oli grin at him.

   "Like I said before, I just needed some sugarkane." Regie smile smugly, leaving an equally smug and stunned Oliver.

   A/N. Still cringing. But what do you all think?



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