Ryan x Justin

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This was a request, so I hope you all enjoy it.

Ryan's POV.

It's Friday night and the boys and I decided to play truth or dare, spin the bottle edition. After we put together everything we will need in the living room, we grab various snacks and sat in a circle and begun the game. The first person the bottle landed on was Regie.

"Regie, truth or dare?" Seb ask him. We all thought he was going to pick dare, but he chose truth instead. I guess he's not as macho as he claims to be. "Do you like Oli?"
Regie ponder a bit, before he look straight into Oliver's eyes.

"No, I don't like Oliver." Regie answer with a smirk, and Oliver's face morph into disappointment. "I love him." He said with a goofy grin on his face, which made Oliver blush.

    The game continued, and everyone the bottle landed on chose truth. Which made the game a little boring for me. I mean, come on, is it so hard to say dare? Even Darren, I thought he would have chosen dare, so he can get sus with any one of us. But even him chose the safe zone. Disappointing? I know.

Kane span the bottle and it landed on Justin, my ears got ready to hear the word truth come from his mouth. But it didn't, instead, he chose dare. I don't know why, but my brain just went into over drive, and my body perk up in interested. Can't wait to see what Kane will dare him to do.

    "So Justin, you chose dare." Kane said to Justin as he got up and walk over to the couch and came back with a brown shopping bag in his hand. "I dare you to wear this." He pull out a black and white maid outfit and a pair  of black and white cat ears along with a black cat tail.

    "What the fu....where did you get that?" Regie ask the question that I am sure is on the tip of everyone's tongue.

    "From Darren. I don't know why he has it, and frankly I don't care." We all turn to Darren and he gave us an innocent look before speaking.

    "I went to the mall the other day, and instantly think of Justin when I saw the cat ears. But suddenly think of Ryan when I spotted the maid outfit." He lick his lips and stare seductively at me.

   "Man, you are out of your mind. I would ne.....you know what, get on with the dare Kane." I grumpily said.

    "Ok, I dare Justin to put this maid outfit on and give Ryan a lap dance." Kane breathe out in one go.

    "What the hell man, why me." I look at Kane and he just shrugged. "What ever, Justin won't do it anyways."

    "He's right." Justin push the shopping bag back to Kane.

    "Wrong, if you don't do the dare. You have to take three big spoonful of Sriracha....mix with cinnamon." Seb chipped in, leaving no room for Justin to object.

    "Fine, but this never happened. Got it?" We all nodded, and Justin annoyingly stomped away to get changed.

   A few minutes later, Justin came back. And I most say, if he were a girl, I would have totally welcomed the lap dance more willingly.

The maid outfit sit perfectly on his body. It stopped right below his mid thighs, the black fishnet stocks clashes with his skin tone perfectly. And oh, don't get me started on the cat ears. Which he use to push his hair back from his face, and sat neatly on the top of his head. With the retractable cat tail, in mid air behind him.

    "Wow, wow, wow, wow! Mhm. Dang Justin, you look fine!" Seb said, as he jokingly lick his lips and pretend to slap Justin on his ass.

    "Whatever man, let's just get this dare over with." Justin mutter,and came over to where I am sitting on a chair.

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