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I found myself awaken by the bathroom door being opened revealing a very HOT Harry. Oh My God! He got a lot of tatoos! Is that even... wow. Can't stop droo- Fuck I'm drooling. I quickly Wipe my drools away with the back of my hand. Harry laughed at me and said "I understand your situation love. Most girls do that a lot worse, when they see me half naked." He winked at me and I rose an eyebrow trying to act tough even though I'm already wet deep down the core. "And what makes you think I'm drooling Mr. Styles? I just woke up so that explains everything" He chuckled and waved his hand "Say what you want Princess, anyway how are you feeling?" I smiled at him faintly "I'm much better now I guess? I mean it was my fault anyways now I just feel so dirty and used" tears began blurring my vision but Harry was too quick to wipe it away "you are not dirty of some sort okay? It was not your fault he was a dick and most definitely you need a bath" I shoved him away and he laughed at me "shut it Styles." I stood up and walked out the door with a smile on my face. I never thought We could be friends.
I'm done bathing and as I walked out my bathroom I saw Charlotte there sitting at my bed. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked and she smiled "I heard what happend and you know what? your little prince Charming got really pissed and started Beating Luke. Actually Officer dick face was now confined due to too much injury" I nodded my head not guilty at all. "I should thank Harry later" she gave me a wink "Never thought you could be friends" I nodded and smiled "Neither did I but still I couldn't stand him at times" yeah, it's true I still would hate Harry sometimes. "Prince Charming. Have you seen him half naked? Wow. He was just so yummy and yum yum" I saw him half naked and I drooled but I'm not telling you "Hey! You got my Brother already!" She winked at me and shook her head Yeah I guess I do. We went pretty Hard last night-" I stopped her before she could continue passing her knowledge to me! I mean, I'm not a virgin anymore but still I'm a virgin in mind "stop it right there! I don't need to know my brother's sexual activeness" She laughed and we continued to talk for a while till I have to go training with Harry and the boys. Me and Zayn were getting close but not entirely romantic. I put on my white shirt and Army Shorts with my Army boots and throw my hair in a lose ponytail. I walked out of my room and went directly to the fields where I found Zayn with a gun in his hand, Louis with a gun too and Niall got a knife also with Liam but Harry has none. I ran towards Zayn and jumped in his back. "Urgh. You're a heavy pig" I slapped his head "hey! Don't be rude! Am not a pig you Aphrodite!" He hates it when I call him that because Aphrodite was a girl and he said it offended his manly figure "I'm not a girl you pig" he ran in circles making me dizzy "Zaynie put me down, I'm dizzy" he did what was told and smiled at me. At the corner of my eyes I saw Harry's intense glare, I turn to face him but he looked away. What's wrong with him? "Hey, Harry! Thank you" he nodded still not facing me. I don't mind at all. So that's what we did the whole morning with me and Zayn bickering around, me and Zayn were like best friends or something like that. We decided to plan again in mine and Harry's Study room. "I think we're ready, what do you think? It's like March 19 now." Louis said and we all nodded "How about we go after a week?" Niall said "I like that Idea, so should we like plan where to go first? Or when to go home?" I asked. Harry looked at Zayn before he said "We are going to the O'brien Domain to know exactly what we are facing and try to find a cure against it, then we go home directly after having a plan there." Zayn nodded "So is that all?" And it went all over and over again till we decided to call it the night.
I woke up at the middle of the night and decided to take a snack because I'm hungry and my stomach won't stop bothering me. As I was walking towards the kitchen I saw a figure at the sink counter shaking. If I didn't know any better I would think it was some curly headed monster but it was Harry of course and his shaking "Haz? Are you okay?" He flinched and nodded his head without even saying a word. "Harry. Are we playing the Silent slot again?" He turned around and said "what do you want Rin?" His eyes were bloodshot and His body was shaking "Harry are you drunk?" He nodded. Why would he drink at all? It's totally Not cool around here. "Why did you drink?" He shook his head and gave me a bitter laugh "You are not my Mother and why would you care?" Okay. That threw me off
Guard "I don't, Trust me but you did something for me and I intend on returning the favor" he nodded and went back to his room unfortunately for him he fell down the stairs. "Ouch. My butt hurts" he stood up and Was ready to fall again but I catched him. Wow, for a guy with a lot of strength he was really light. I gasped when I felt some slimey thing and started to panick when I smelt something metallic and saw red on his head. Harry's eyes started to close and I yelled "Harry! Don't close your eyes on me!" I carried him to my room and lay him on my bed. "Harry! Harry, Listen to me! Damn you. Screw you. Just wake the fuck up" I didn't notice I was crying until I saw drops of it in Harry's face. I grabbed my phone and dialed the Hospital number but was interrupted when I heard Harry stir beside me so I ended the call. "why are you crying?" He asked in a whisper "because I thought you're dead you numbfuck! You fucking scared me! You. You" I was cut off when I heard him Saying pained profanities and groaning at the same time. I went to the bathroom quickly and brought a medical kit to help Harry. "I'm okay Rin. I'm not dying" he did not just say that! "You're not dying? Yes you're not! But you COULD have! Don't you know how worried I was! I didn't know what to do! You fell in that shit stair case and I- you're" he looked at me with a blank expression "Why do you even care? I thought you hated me?" I can't say I don't because I did. Urg, we could fight any day, any hour, anywhere he want but please not now. "Harry this is not the right time to fight. Please let me just clean that cut and you could do whatever you want" He stared at me blankly and I don't like it "Why do you want to clean it anyways?" He stood up and before he could reach the door "Where the fuck are you going? You're injured Harry! I don't care if we hate each other but please we don't want you dead when we go out for that mission! We fucking need you to not be injured during that time!" I said a complete ideal excuse so he could think about it not in the way I think of it because if it's in my way? I don't know! But I really don't want him dead and it's not because of the damn mission but just see him alive. "Of course. The mission, it's what you always think of right? And for the record? I don't hate you, it's you who hate me because of something I don't know. I thought we could be of better terms right now but no. You ruined it, I thought I could at least be your Friend but yeah of course I'm just nothing but A mission. Thanks for the help anyways I could of called Martina to help me." And before that he shut the door rather forcefully. I never meant it that way. I- he , I'm so damn frustrated about him right now. He was right I wouldn't of cared. He could die right there, right now. I don't care. And so by that, I went to bed after throwing that medical kit in my wall. I hate this feeling I'm feeling right now even though I don't know what is it.

Author's note:
Oops. Another Harrin Fight <3
Would they patch that up? Or ZayRin will take it to the Top?
Keep in touch babies. Don't forget to vote.

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