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After a week in the hospital Zayn was finally released. We all are now heading home just 2 Domains left and we can finally go home. I have been having dreams about a girl and a boy which is more like a memory that I forgot or something. Harry? Well he's been not himself for the past few days. I don't know what his problem is and I'm so frustrated bout' not knowing it. Me and Harry was on duty right now so I have to ask him bout' it. While I was heading to the front beacause the boys were now at the back I heard Zayn panting and sweating . He's having a nightmare so I did what I have to do and shook him- Hard. "Zayn, Zayn, Zayn! Wake up!" He woke up and grabbed me suddenly wrapping his arms around me and said "You're okay, I'm here. I'll never leave you." He said while I just layed him back. He wasn't even Awake yet. Poor Zayn having nightmares, I wiped off his sweat and Kissed his forhead. "Sleep tight Zayn" and I stood up to proceed in my mission of asking Harry But he wasn't there. He was clearly Avoiding me. "Hey Louis" he looked at me and smiled but I know something was off. "Where's Hazza?" He just shrugged and gave me that look of pure defeat "He snapped at me, he flipped Niall off and He Insulted Liam and he also Raised his Voice at Zayn" what's wrong with him "And he's avoiding Me" I whispered "I Think he's not over with the 'Marry' thingy" what's he implying now? "And Why would he be mad, we are not Together or any sort. I would marry who I want even if he doesn't approve it" I was shocked of what I said, I was like Stating that I'll marry Louis. I mean to be honest? I have a crush on Louis the first time I saw him but I won't tell him that. "Are you saying you want to marry me?" He said smirking while we discarded the thought of Harry. TRUST me I do care for Harry but I won't appreciate his assholeness towards me and the boys. I bet Niall cried because of him - Niall's emotional you know? And why would he care if I marry Louis? I mean It won't be a big deal. "Maybe? Maybe not" I winked at him and we both laughed "You know what? To be honest I have a crush on you" Louis said and I was like what? Is he? Is he for real? "Would it be a crime to say that I do too?" Louis stopped the car abruptly causing me to squeel and the boys to yell at him with 'what the hell Louis!' 'Fuck' "what was that for?" I asked Louis while he started the engine. "I was not expecting you to say that. I was just Oh My God." He was out of words, he was cute actually but I can't help but think about how Cute Harry's Grin Too. "What? I did. That day I first saw you? You were like 'I'm a bad boy, Kiss my ass' guy and that really attracted me" He laughed and shook his head. I was being honest "I remember that day. You were like 'I'm trouble, seriously I don't give a shit' girl and to be honest You captivated me" so like yeah. Me and Louis are confessing our Hidden crush with each other and I wonder where this leads to. I'm feeling guilty though I don't know why so I just shrugged it off. "Hey, uhm... Can we uh like go out when we uh get back? Like on a date?" Louis said Looking troubled with his words. It's kinda cute, might I tell you. "Uh I don't know" I tried to play a joke but To be honest I would have jumped up and down my seat because of it. "Yeah I thought so, sorry for asking. It was so stupid of me to Oh my God. I should've not asked you. I knew the-" I cut him off by kissing his cheek which caught him off guard "Of course I'd love to Sweety, but you must Ask Zayn for confirmation." He smiled at me adoringly and nodded "You really treat Zayn like your brother eh? I'm glad. I thought you'd want him more than me" he said and I just giggled "he treats me the same. I don't like him that way, it's just that we like have this connection you know? Like a brother and sister have?" He nodded and Smiled at me "You're beautiful Rin" I can't help but blush to that. "OH shut up there Tommo" and we both laughed "I'm sorry but you're not my boss" he sass me out. And so the night continued with me and Louis Flirting and knowing each other more, I can't help but still wonder why that curly Boy was acting so harsh and distant. "You know what? You look tired love just sleep" Louis said while breaking my train of thoughts "How about you? There's no way that I would leave you alone here" Louis just smiled at me and Shrugged his shoulders. "I'm fine, just sleep. I don't want my girl To be tired yeah?" I blushed so hard with that 'MY GIRL' Stunt and how easy it slipped from his mouth. "Okay Daddy" I said while I kissed his cheek again causing him to Grin a little bit more. "Night Baby." And then by that I went to Zayn and Mine's Crib or bed but not without noticing the curly haired boy. I don't know why he is acting this way but I won't talk to him at all cost. I sleep that night with the that green eyed curly guy.

Author's note:
I was devastated that Royal Blood won the british group award. -.- okay so which lovers are you with? Rouis? Or Harrin?

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