Twenty Four

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Rin's Pov
Zayn woke me up the next day. The boys were almost ready when I opened my eyes. "Where are we going Anyways?" Louis sent me a sad look "Hey. What's the long face for Boo?" I asked him and he looked at Zayn. Zayn gave him a look I can't understand at all.
"Can you um. At least give us a moment mate?" Louis said in a very defeated voice. Zayn gave him a sad smile and it makes me more anxious. The moment Zayn left, Louis turned to me with tears in his eyes.

Louis's Pov
Last night was the hardest part in my whole life. Me and Rin might have called a truce to stay best friends but I can't help but fall for her deeper. Last night, Zayn told me about it and I knew I really have to let her go.

"Mate, I know you like my sister but we know well that she belongs to somebody else" Zayn said and I nodded in defeat "You're wrong mate. I don't like her" I said truthfully. Zayn gave me a 'What?' Look and I shook my head "I love her" and he sighed. I really don't want to cry in front of him but he's my brother anyways, I know I'm safe. "Man. That's... I don't know mate." I laughed half Heartedly. "I know. It's crazy. That night we called the best friend Truce... that was the night she kissed me, I blame her for these feelings Man. If she hadn't kissed me that night. URRRGH" I cried harder. I'm such a gay. "She kissed you?" No shit sherlock. "Yeah she did, she said it was a goodbye kiss. I kissed her again after she kissed me and told her it was my Goodbye kiss for her too. I know it's crazy, I'm crazy. I'm so dumb." I fall in my feet and hugged my knees on my chest. "I wouldn't blame you man. My sister is pretty Lovable." I chuckled with that. She is really Lovabale indeed. If only she was mine first. If only... "You should do something about that mate" Zayn patted my back and went inside leaving me with my thoughts. That night I decided to say a proper goodbye to her. Like say Buh bye to these feelings.

"Where are we going Anyways?" She asked. We are going to Bring your memories back and break my heart darling. If only she knew. I looked at her sadly as I hear my heart shatter to Pieces slowly but surely. She might have noticed because she asked me again "Hey. What's the long face for Boo?" This is it. I need to tell her. I looked at Zayn and tried my best to sound a bit Happy but who are we kidding? My eyes betrayed me and released the tears. Bravo. "Can you um. At least give us a moment mate?" I told Zayn. He noticed my tears and smiled at me sadly. The boys left awhile ago if you want to ask. The moment Zayn stepped out the door I sighed a big sigh. I BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG sigh. This is it. I need to tell her. Be a man Louis. I turned to her and forgot about my tears, she must noticed because she hugged me directly. "Boobear. Stop crying, you're making me cry and I don't even know why" I chuckled even though it sounded more of a sob than a laugh. I hugged her tightly afraid to let go of the moment. "Why are you crying? What's happening? Did Harry do something to you?! I swear he'll pay for it" She said. You might be thinking that right now but later you'll be running to his arms. "I need to tell you something" I whispered not letting go. She gently pulled over but not letting go just stared at me. This would be a perfect picture if it wasn't for the situation. "What is it?" She said "Can we just hug when I say It?" She nodded and hugged me tighter. "Now spill." She demanded. "I'm sorry" I whispered. Tears falling on my eyes like the waters of the NIALL RIVER. Hahaha if it wasn't for what I have to do now? I could've laughed at the pun I said. "Sorry for what?" She said while rubbing my back. "I- never meant for it to happen and I- I knew I promised you" I sobbed "Shhhh. Now what did you do? I can't possibly hate you anyways, Lou" she whispered to my ear. I held her tighter. "Remember that I pro-promised you to stay Best friends with you? Like forever? That night you kissed me-me?" I felt her nod so I continued my speech. "I never realized I would fall for you Rin. I never meant to fall for for you. That night - That night I realized that, what I feel was not just Lust or some - stu stupid Crush. I loved you Rin" she stiffened and I sobbed more. I thought she'll pull over and demand me to go out but she didn't. She hugged me even tighter. "I can't find anything wrong about that Lou. I might not be in love with you... yet but I'm sure I'll be when time comes" aww was she wrong. She was so wrong "that's the problem Rin. You're not mine to keep. You're somebody else's" She pulled over "What are you talking about?" I looked down "You'll find out sooner. That's why I'm telling you how I feel and to say a real goodbye before you know it." She went out the door. I thought she'll go away so I just stood there and wait for my que to breakdown but hell it never came. "ZAYN! can we please move that special place you're talking about tommorow? I really want to spend time with Louis Right now and Can you please sleep in my room tonight? Don't let anyone disturb us. Thanks! And I'm turning my music Up so you can't disturb us too thanks!" What was she thinking?! She locked the door and put some baracade in it to make sure no one can come in. She turned the music Up and Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran blared up. SHE closed the windows and draped all the curtains so it was pretty dim in here. "what are you doing?" I asked her. She gave me a loving smile "I know this is crazy But I'm sure a lot will change Tommorow when I found out what you're talking about. I might not love you Lou but I still like you to the point I can give you this as a goodbye. I'm not pushing you to tell me anything about it because I know it'll hurt you more than I can imagine." I gave her a confused look. The next thing that happend was not the thing I was expecting to happen.

Author's Note:
I don't know what will happen. Do you? I mean whatever. Hahahaha. The next chappy will tell you about it. Hahahahahaahahahahahaha.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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