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Zayn's Pov

"I'll be seeing him today!" A girl in the age of 13 I guess? Or 12 was jumping up and down in the limo we are in. "Haha. You really love him do you?" I told her and suddenly the car was being shot and the driver was shot in the head The girl was shaking in fear "Sssshhhh. Don't cry! I'm here, we'll be safe" she stopped crying and the Limo crashed. I held her close to me and said "I love you okay? Don't forget that no matter what Happens. Zaynie loves you okay?" She nodded and with the last of her breathe she said "I love you too and I promise to remember that always" and she closed her eyes and I sobbed and Sobbed but was dragged out of the limo by a very bulky man who shoved me inside his car of which made me bang my head on the car door and lose conciousness.

I woke up in sweat and tears in ny eyes. I saw Rin holding my hands as if I were her source of Life. I never liked her in a romatic way - I like Perrie anyways. I always had this connection with Rin that I can hardly explain it myself. It's like I know her but I don't. Her presence fullfiling the blank space in my life not in a cheesy fucking way. That dream was horrible but It was more of a Memory than a nightmare to me. I came to realize that the most part of my childhood was blank. I don't know but it was. I remember seeing my mum died in cancer and his awful husband throwing me in the age of 19. I don't remember anything besides that. It's awful not to remember things like that.
I was brought back to reality when I felt Rin stirring, I quickly wiped my tears and greeted her "Hey love" she smiled at me but I kept on seeing that little girl whenever I see her "Morning brother" I don't know why, how, or what it is that keeps me tangled with her. As I looked at her eyes I could only see that kid I held tight in my arms when in that fucking limo.

Author's note:
Who could it be? Is Zayn Really the character you think he is? Or is he someone else? Stay tuned.

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