Twenty One

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Finally we're home. Oh My, how I miss this place. "We're back Love" Zayn said to me and sprinting outside while Louis held my hands tightly as we walk down the Van. Harry then walked pass us and he 'accidentally' Knock Louis on his way. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Louis held my hand and gave me a 'Don't-it's okay-I'm good' look. "No Louis, I'm so done of his bullshit. You can mess with me but please don't mess with Louis. You've been acting like an asshole for a long time now Haz. Please stop it." I said it with confidence and certainty hoping he would listen to me "Are you done now? Coz' I really want to go" good Fuck! He did listen. Wooooh very good listener there Styles! Excellent! -please note my sarcasm. "Did you even listen to me?" He stared at me with no emotion "Yeah I did, can I go now?" Before I could even lash out at him, Louis Grabbed my hand and said "Don't waste your time babe. Let's go before I lose all my temper in here" and Harry snickered before me and Louis Walk away to approach the boys and Said "Good Choice Tommo. Good choice" Louis held my hands a wee bit tighter and I'm glad he can hold his temper at that asshole. The boys approached us and Zayn looked at Our hands "Um. Is there something I need to know?" Oh yeah, I forgot to tell him. Uurrrgh. "It's nothing mate, could you just drop it?" Louis said calmly. Best in Good values goes to Louis William Tomlinson. "Oookaaay? Where's Harry?" Zayn asked while frowning "Yeah where's Hazza?" Liam said joining the conversation "He is acting like an asshole Again" I said while gritting my teeth. "Why's he acting like this. We never really fight like this like ever." Louis said while holding my hands tightly. I rubbed my thumb over his hands to calm him down. "Me too mate. Like, we never see Harry like that. What's gotten into him?" Zayn said looking sad. I feel bad for them so much. I really need to Talk to Harry and sooner. "KATHREEN!" an old girly voice called. "MOM!" I ran towards her and hugged her tight so did my dad. I gave King Des a hug too so did with Queen Anne and Gemma. "Oh my God I miss you guys!" I yelled but they all stared at Zayn. I wonder why. "Mom, what's wrong?" Dad cleared his throat and went over to Zayn and gave him a hug. What?! What the fuck is happening. Zayn gave my Dad an awkward pat in the back. "There is something you, two should know and it's very important" wait. They're not... "You're not letting us get married right? Mom, Tell me you're not" My mom shook her head "No. This will um. Uh I don't know. Honey will you please Explain it to them?" I was getting scared. Zayn grabbed my hand awkwardly. While whispering "Hey, I'm shitting my pants" I smiled half heartedly at Zayn's attempt of lightening the mood. "Me too. I'm scared shitless." He held me unto him as if protecting me from any harm. The boys are at the back though. Louis let go of my hand the moment mom called us but he never left my side. We are walking down the hallway to a very large door. I remember this door but I can't put a thought on it. Dad Unlocked the door and we entered a room. A boy's bed and A girl's bed to each other's side. It's a very large room. "And what is this for?" Zayn asked While gripping my hands tighter. "Mom, Dad if you want us to make babies... please don't. We are not making those. Zayn and I are practically siblings even if we are not blood related" Dad cleared his throat "Don't you remember anything?" What should I remember. Zayn let go of my hand and walked to the bed with blue covers. There are pictures in them too. Zayn walked over the pictures and suddenly he dropped to the floor frozen. I sprinted towards him and asked him if he was okay but he burst out sobbing. "Zayn why are you crying? Please don't cry. Dad what's happening?" I asked my dad while trying to Calm Zayn but he pushed me "You - you're... you are my ..." then he ran out the door while Mom began crying. I attempted to ran after Zayn but Louis Held me "Shhh. Don't worry. I'll check on him, baby okay? Just try to figure this out. " I nodded and Louis sprinted out with the boys. I was left in the room with my parents and Harry's Parents. "Can anyone tell me what is happening?!" I yelled. They all went silent . I walked towards the pictures and I was stunned. Memories flood back. "How could you not tell me this!?" I yelled at my dad. He stared at me sympathetically. "We want to find him first before we tell you. I'm sorry darling. I- I'm so sorry" I was beyond furious. I was so - Urgh how could they do this to me? I felt so betrayed "How did you know it's him?" I asked them coldness in my voice "We have done research and all. Remember that night of the accident? Zayn was abducted. You fell in a comma and got amnesia so was he. He was thrown into the Malik Domain. That stupid fucking idiot Took him to get revenge. After that Anne took him in. The day he step foot in our domain I have this feeling he was my son so I've done researching." I can't believe this. I ran away from them and Found the boys outside trying to calm Zayn. "Zaynie?" He stopped trashing and he dropped to the floor. "I- I'm so sorry for not protecting you RinRin." He began sobbing. I sprinted towards them and I gave Louis a look that says 'Please leave us for now' and he oblidge but he kissed my cheek first before he told the boys to leave us be. "ZAYN, it's not your fault" I hugged him tightly. Oh how I miss his hugs. "Let's go back to our room okay? And we'll sleep there. Then we will have our old Tea Party on my Tea set. We'll play with Mr. Duffles and Mrs. Carrots and Little Vcut and Sir Potatoe is that okay with you?" I asked him but then An Idea came into my mind. I will bring back the old days. Just me and my brother. My REAL brother. "Zayn. I think you should sleep first. Just let me handle this okay?" Zayn nodded. I led him to my room and tuck him in and kissed his temple. "I'll wake you up for my surprise later. Just rest. Love you Zaynie" he chuckled and nodded "Love you too Rinnie" and I Went out my door and went directly to my plan. There is one thing and only one thing in my mind right now and it is : Zayn Is My Long Lost Brother

Author's note:
Okay one secret revealed. Hahahaha. Stay tuned. By the way I updated 21 chapters in one day. Hahaha. XD I'm pretty cool right? Joke. The story is ending sadly but it's okay. I'll right another one. Love lots.

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