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Clint, Scott and I are on a mission. Far away from the Tower, in abandoned factory. There is one of HYDRA agents hide out. Our mission is to take them down and see if there are more information about their next moves. "It's so quiet. You sure this is the right place?" Scott ask. We are sneaking around the building, holding out our weapons. "Has to be." Clint walks in front of us, holding his arrow ready. "Maybe we should split up?" I suggest. "Good idea!" Scott goes tiny and jumps into the vents. Clint climbs up to a ladder and I continue forward. Soon, I'm lead into some kind of office. "Well this is new." I talk to myself. There are lots of files on a desk. I try to read them, but they're in Russian. No use... Maybe Barnes understands these? After all, he can speak several languages. Put some of the files in my leather jacket's inside pocket.

My thoughts got interrupted as I hear a gun loading. There's a man pointing their gun at me right at the door. He speaks something in Russian. No idea what he said, but he seems very angry. "Sorry, no speak your language." I flip the desk at him. He groans and he falls down to the floor. Other man comes in and I kick him away. "Clint! Scott!" I run out of the office. That man goes after me and starts shooting, still shouting something in Russian. I try to shoot back, but it's difficult to hit him. Out of nowhere, Scott comes from a floor vent, got bigger and kicks the man's face. The man falls down and faints. "Scott! Where is Clint?!" I ask. "No idea, but I guess we have to go." he says and we start running. We enter an open area and there are more Hydra agents. Wasting no time, they start shooting and running toward us. Scott and I dodge all the bullets and I shoot back. "There're too many!" Scott went tiny and big again as he fights the agents up close. Soon, an arrow flies out of nowhere. It hits one of the bad guys. Clint stands above us. "Clint!" I yell, feeling glad he found us.

He then jumps down with us and makes his superhero landing. "Cool!" Scott smiles as he knocks down an agent. There's only one man left. He speaks Russian, seems to be in panic. "Three against one, don't look too good for you buddy." Scott smirks under his helmet. "He doesn't understand you." I point the gun at the agent. "What? Really?" Scott sounds hurt, like his joke just got wasted. The man shouts something we can't understand, but he pulls the trigger after pointing it at Clint. "Clint!" I push him aside. After Clint gets his balance back, he quickly shoots an arrow at the man. The man drops on the floor dead. "(Y/N)!!!" Scott and Clint both shout. I'm lying on the floor. My left shoulder took the bullet. "Awww, shit." I groan. "Shit! It's bleeding bad!" Scott panics. "(Y/N), stay with us!" Clint shout. I look down on my shoulder. It's bleeding so much. Son of a... Soon, it all goes dark.

I wake up in a bed that isn't mine. "(Y/N)! You are awake!" hearing Bruce's voice. Immediately I feel shooting pain on my shoulder. "Oh son of a ...!!!" groaning in pain. "You remember what happened?" Bruce starts pointing little light right in my eyes. "Yes, yes. I got shot." wave my right hand for him to put the light away. Guess Bruce pushed some button to inform Tony I was awake, because he storms in pretty soon after I had woke up. "How is she!?" he asks, like I'm not there. "Alive." I roll my eyes. Everyone comes behind him to the room as well. Didn't think this was this big of deal. Even Barnes is here. He looks so worried like all the others. "How you're feeling?" Wanda takes gently my right hand in hers. "It hurts in my left shoulder." trying to smile thru pain. "You idiot!" Tony hisses. "Tony!" Wanda snap back. "You could have died!" he continues to hiss. "Well, so would have Clint. If I hadn't step in." I give him a glare. Tony snort and crosses arms over his chest. "I'm so sorry, (Y/N). I should have noticed sooner..." Clint comes next to me. "It's alright, no one is a mind reader." I smile, quickly realize Wanda smiling at me.

We chat a little before everyone left, except Tony and Bruce. Tony continue to lecture how I should be more careful and so on. I have no energy to say anything witty at him, so I just lay there half listening. "Clint should know better..." he whispers to himself. "Oh, and I don't!?" I snap. "No. You don't!" he yells at me. Bruce stays quiet. "You are unbelievable... For the last time; it wasn't Clint's fault!" I hiss. Tony turns his back on me:"You are not going any missions anymore.". I know he doesn't really mean that, he is just angry. "You done?" I ask without looking at him. He pauses for a moment, maybe regretting his words. "Yes. For now." then he left. I let out huge sigh and put my right arm over my eyes. Still feeling huge pain on my left shoulder. Bruce is on his computer, checking something:"He cares about you, you know?". I let out deep sigh:"What a shitty way to show it.". Bruce chuckles.

Tony's words made me feel like I'm no good. That everything I do is not right, like I was the lame member of the Avenger or something... "I'm just a vanilla." I mutter under my breath. Bruce lifts his head:"You're not vanilla, (Y/N). You're more like... A chocolate.". Lift my arm a bit to see him. He sees my confused face. "Everyone likes chocolate. You are a likable person, (Y/N)." he smiles gently. It makes me smile a bit. "Thanks, you too Bruce." I close my eyes. Bruce and I never really talked before. Sure, here and there something casual, but never anything deep. I should hang out with him more. "He'll cool down soon." he continue working with the computer. Chocolate... My mind went in the moment when Barnes ordered a chocolate flavor ice cream back then.

At the same evening, Steve showed up. "Hey, how are you feeling?" he gently asks. "It hurts." still lying on the hospital bed. "I bet." he sits down on the chair next to the bed. I just look at him, he smells like a shampoo. He must've just trained, showered and came to see me. "You need anything?" he ask. "What you want?" I knew he didn't come here just to ask me that. "I... I heard what Tony said to you earlier." he says. Super-soldiers do have great hearing. "You think I'm lame?" I raise my eyes to his. "No. Never had." he gives a gentle smile. Steve is always so nice to me. He feels like a brother to me. "You know Tony, he just blurts out stuff he doesn't mean." he continued. "I have worked with that man quite sometime now..." nodding as agreement.

"I guess, we all show our affection in different ways to people." he lets out a chuckle. "Guess so." I smile back at him. Saw this as an opening. "Hey... If you want to do me a favor..." I start. "I never said a favor, I just asked if you needed anything." he raise his eyebrow. "Okay... I need you to go on a date with my friend, Lola." I chuckle. "Why?" he gives a shy smile while facing the floor. "She likes you. I want her dream to come true.". "You always think others first and their needs." he raise his eyes back on me. "Like wise." I smile gently. "I'll think about it. Get some sleep." he ruffle top of my head and left.

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