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"REALLY?!" Lola screams out of excitement. People around turn to look at us. "Lola, shhh!!" I try to calm her down. We are at the mall in underwear section. I just told her me and Bucky are dating. "Sorry, (Y/N), but I'm so happy for you!" she whisper yells. "I know, but please, contain yourself." I laugh. "Where is he now?" she ask with big smile. "Oh, he's one of his therapy sessions. He'll be ready like in 40 minutes, I guess." check my phone the time. "Are you going to meet him after?" she ask while walking. I nod and follow her. Sneaky smile comes up to Lola's face:"Then maybe you should buy something nice for him...~". Raise eyebrow at her:"Like what?". She grabs very sexy red bra and shoves them right in front of me. I look at the piece of clothing, then her. "Yeah, I don't think those are going to fit him..." I laugh. Lola roll her eyes:"(Y/N)...". My heart actually starts beat faster just thinking about what she was referring to.

"I just don't think we're quite there yet." I explain. "Why not?" Lola blurt out. Sometimes she talks before thinking. Flash judging look at her. "Sorry, I just... You've known each other long time now. And he is hot!" Lola point out. "Thank you for the information Lola. Never noticed that before..." sarcastically roll my eyes. "So, what's the problem?" she ask. Let out a deep sigh:"I don't know... Guess I'm nervous. It's been long time last time I... And what if he won't find me attractive enough or-", "Okay, stop!" Lola hold her hand up to my face. "(Y/N), you are hotter than you think! You just need to remind yourself that.". "Like how?" I frown. Her eyes wonder around for second, like she's coming up with a plan. Then her face lit up:"Let's have girls night! Yeah! It'll be fun! We have couple of drinks, nice food, dress up all nice...". Smile comes up to my face:"Yeah, that sounds nice. Actually, Wanda and Nat would be happy to join us too.". "It's a deal then!" Lola seems so happy. Maybe that's what I need, little boost to feel better about myself.

All the leafs have fallen down and it's pretty cold outside. I rush thru people in the street to get our meeting spot with Bucky. Finally, I see him in the distance. He looks so sweet just standing there, waiting for me. Can't help but admire. "Hi!" I greet him with big smile. Bucky turn to face me and that beautiful smile comes up to his lips:"Hi.". I see how he looks down to my hands at the shopping bags:"Oh, I was out with Lola. We're going to have girls night!". He then grabs them out of my hands and place a peck on my lips:"Tonight?". My heart flutters and goofy smile comes up:"Yeah, hope that's alright?". We start walking towards the Tower. "Sure, I might hang out with Steve and Sam then." he says. Lift my head to look at him:"It's nice you and Sam have become friends.". "Don't know about that." he jokes. Without us knowing, someone was watching us in distance.

Later that day, I'm in my room, ready to go workout before the night. Lola's words playing my head how I should feel more confident and better about myself. Need to take baby steps. Then idea hits me; I'll go and work out only wearing high waist pants and sports bras. Never done that before, so maybe that would give me right amount of boost. So I did. Luckily, the training room is empty. I start doing my normal workout routine. At first it felt weird, but then I start to feel more and more comfortable. After 30 minutes of workout, I hear someone coming in:"Somebody's full of energy!". Turn around to see who it is:"Scott! Haven't seen you in a while.". He walks deeper into the room:"Yeah, I was couple days to see my daughter.". "How is she?" I ask. "She's doing fine. Pokémon Go is big thing now." he chuckle. "Thought it wasn't a thing anymore." I laugh.

I go get the water bottle and gulp the water down. Scott's eyes goes up and down on me. "You wanna combat?" he point at the mattress. "Sure, you wanna get your ass kicked again?" I smirk. "Hey, it's been a while last time we fight." he laugh. Didn't take long before I beat him. Sweep my hands together while watching him laying on the mattress:"Told yah.". "Not fair! It's not easy to fight when you're showing more skin than usual." Scott pant. My face goes red after realizing it too. "Opening in defense!" he quickly yells and kick legs under me:"Ah-!!" and I thud to the floor on my back. Before I could react, Scott quickly gets up and comes on top of me:"I win!". "Scott, that's unfair!" I yell. Then we hear someone walk in. Scott raises on his knees:"Hey, it's the White Wolf! Haven't seen you in a while.". Steve and Bucky stands there watching us confused. Right, Scott doesn't know we are dating...

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