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There is now almost three meters tall man standing right in front of us. Sidorov looks down to his hands. "All this power... All the things I could do..." his eyes goes to me. Steve runs up to him and tries to throw a punch, but gets punched instead. "Steve!" I gasp as he hits the wall hard, so it actually breaks. This is bad. "(Y/N), get out of here. Now!" Bucky takes a step forward. My head snaps right at him:"What? No! I'm not leaving Ste-", "Now it's not the time act dumb!" he snaps back. Before I could say anything, Sidorov runs to make his first attack. We both jump a side to dodge him. He quickly turns around and is about to attack me, but Bucky quickly attacks him from behind. They fight, and Steve soon joins in. Watching three super-soldiers fight makes me feel small.

Corner of my eye, I see Rose waking up from the floor. She shakes her head and looks around, reaching for her gun. Swing the pipe in my hand, so it hits back of her head back to sleep. "Oh, Rose. Didn't see you there." I smirk and throw the pipe away. As I reach for the gun on the floor, suddenly Nagel's words comes to my mind. 'I made the serum better. It can give enormous powers to a human, without it affecting their appearance. No more turning into massive muscle bundles...' But it did affect his appearance. My head turns to the table that has all the serum laid out. If only...

Steve and Bucky continue fighting, but the doctor seems to foresee their moves. He kicks Captain to his stomach so hard he collapse to the floor. Bucky throws a punch with his metal arm, but gets blocked and strong hit right in his face, he also falls down. Almost loosing his sense from it. "Pathetic." Sidorov scoffs. "Hey!!" I yell so he turns to face me. "(Y/L)... Sorry to keep you waiting." he smirks and starts to walk towards me. "No..! (Y/N)..." Bucky whimpers as he tries to get up. Even every part of me told me to run, I stay still. "Bet you like it rough." Sidorov's eyes shine like crazy person's.

Frowning with a smirk:"Very.". Then I hit one needle right against his thigh. "What are you doing?!" Bucky hisses confused. Steve also looks so worried. The doctor first look surprised, but then smiles as he feels how the serum start to affect. Muscles start to grow bigger, so all of his veins start to come up. "Come here!" he reach his hand to grab me, but I quickly bend my back to dodge and swing myself behind him. Hitting second needle on his back. "Stupid little girl..." he laughs and slowly turns around. But then his face change. I take few steps back, still keep looking right at him:"Don't know about that...".

Sidorov starts to throw up and breath heavy, like he had run a mile. The Avengers gets up and walks closer to see what's happening. "What... What have you done?!" Sidorov yells as his body shakes. Shrug my shoulders:"Nothing. Say 'hi' to Nagel for me.". "You... Bitc-!" his eyes rolls back and he thuds down to floor heavily. Then it was all quiet. "Did you do something to the serum, (Y/N)?" Steve walks next to me. Turn to look at him:"Hm? No, I just gave him overdose. Guess the serum wasn't ready either way.". Steve looks at me little bit confused, thinking we should have done something to keep him alive. "He would have died sooner or later. (Y/N) just faster the process." Bucky says. My eyes shifts to Bucky, but quickly away. What he did still hurts me.

We got out of there, Wanda and Peter had taken down all the agents and guards outside. They also had search the factory, see if there were any hostages. They find few of them. After getting them out of there to safety, we all went to the Quinjet. The whole trip back to the Tower I avoided Bucky. He tried to come to talk to me, but I just ignored him as best as I could. After all, there are not many places to go in the plane. Thankfully, Steve told him to give me some space. My feelings are all mixed. Someone could say I'm over-reacting, but somehow I just... Urgh..! It's better I keep my distance.

We arrived to the Tower very late at night, so we all went quite quickly in our own rooms to get some sleep. Brush my teeth and tongue really carefully after shower. Hate him! Hate him so much right now..! Leaning against the sink, going everything over and over again in my head. 'She's messy and annoying. All I want is you, Rose.' But... He did head pump her, but maybe it was just to protect her, so she would stay out of the way. What the hell is wrong with me?! Overthinking might be my worst enemy. Then I see there is some toothpaste on my cheek. Quickly wipe it off with a towel and throw the towel to the laundry basket. Hate him.

The next morning, I wakeup. It's 10.44 am. Feeling little bit better than yesterday. Like somekind a fog had fade away during the night. Maybe I was too harsh on him..? Rub my eyes as I raise to sit, wondering how am I going to face Bucky. Little bit feeling quilt for yelling at him, but then again... Let out deep sigh and got up. After changing clothes and putting on some makeup, I went down to have a breakfast. Tony turns around as he hears me walking into the kitchen. "There she is." he says, even there is no one else around. Everyone else seems to already ate breakfast and went to do something else.

Tony scans with his eyes if I'm hurt or anything. The cut on my cheek had fade little, so didn't use band aid on it. Muttering and get my mug out of the cabinet:"Morning to you too Tony.". He follows my moves as I pore the coffee into my mug and go sit on the table. "Well, aren't we cheerful..." he sits beside me. Rub my eyes down to my neck with both hands:"Just... Tired. That's all.". For a moment of silence, I sip the coffee and keep looking forward. Tony still staring at me. "What?" raise eyebrow at him. "Something is bothering you." he says.

Lift my right leg on the chair and gulp rest of the coffee down to my throat:"Note to yourself; Never trust a man.". There is small smile on his lips:"Noted.". But then he shakes his head a bit:"I heard about Adam... You don't have to worry about him anymore.". Well, he is not the one I'm worried about... I put the coffee down:"Don't tell me you did something..-", "No, no... Not yet, at least." he resures. "Good. And don't do anything. Okay?" pointing my finger at him. He raise his hands up as defense and try to look innocent.

Smile escapes from my lips and I shake my head. Tony smiles back at me, he's glad he made me smile. Missed him. As he got up, he pet my knee a bit and starts to head out. "Tony?" I call after him. "Yeah?" he turn around. For a second I stare at him in silence. "Who told you?" I ask. "No one. I heard it all." he carelessly says. Frowning at his words:"Heard it?". First he looks like he doesn't wanna tell me, but then he sighs deep:"I... Remember the earrings I gave you? On Christmas.". My eyes widens a bit:"Don't tell me...".

He slightly nods his head:"Yeah... But-! But I did it only because I was wor-", "The earrings are listening device?!" raise myself up and slam my hands to the table. Can't believe this! "Hey-! After HYDRA kidnapped you, I just couldn't let you walk around without knowing. And... And I was right, that guy really was up to no good!" he tried to defend himself. "Tony-!" feels like my brain is this computer that just crashed. That is why he ordered me to the mission? Let out deep sigh:"Never trust a man." and head out. "(Y/N)..." he calls after me, but I keep walking. 

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