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It's getting late, Bucky is still out. Sam cooks dinner for us in the kitchen. Zemo sits in armchair and reads a book. He doesn't have the cuffs anymore. Surprisingly, Sam was the one who said we should take them off. So I guess it's alright. Even though I don't trust him. I'm doing my night routine workout in the living room area; some push ups, crunches and pull ups. "Sam, you think these door frames are solid? They do look thick." I look at them while panting and sweating. About to do pull ups, and since there aren't anything else to hold on to, the frames should be enough. "I guess we'll see it soon." he chuckles from the kitchen.

Then the front door opens and Bucky walks in. All of us turn our faces to look at him. He gives us a quick glare and takes off his jacket, reveling tight t-shirt underneath it. He is still wearing the watch I've gave him. Then he walks towards the kitchen without a word. What a grumpy old man... Ignoring him and continuing the workout, I try to reach the door frame, but I can't. "God damn it..." whispering to myself on my tip toes. The frames are higher than normal ones. "You're such a hobbit." Bucky scoffs from a barstool. WHAT!? My head shoots towards him with angry eyes. "You know about the hobbits?" Sam got surprised, trying to hide amused look on his face. "I read the Hobbit, in 1937. When it first came out." he answer, almost smug about it. "Then you must be Gandalf, old man." I snort and jump to grab the door frame, and start doing the pull ups. Bucky turns his head back to me, irritated look on his face.

We all sat down at the dinner table after I had shower. Sam is really great cook! Even the meal isn't any 'special gourmet', he always makes the food so damn well. "So, it's said that on this week's Saturday, the doctor will be at this creepy nightclub... Buying people?" Sam iterates. "Doctor Sidorov won't be there. There is always someone else who deals with the payment." Zemo says. "And you know the guy?" Sam frowns. Zemo taps a napkin against his lips:"Unfortunately not. It can be anybody. That is why we need a bait.". Bucky raises his eyebrow at him with questioning look. "A bait?" Sam finishes his plate. Zemo sighs:"They will buy only lifes that don't matter... We need someone to play a role, a character, so the buyer will get interested.". "What kind of character?" Bucky ask. Zemo raises his eyes on him:"Someone who people won't miss.". "Like you?" Bucky quickly says. Zemo gives the 'alright, I guess I deserve that'- look.

"Like a prostitute?" I break the convo. The trio turn to look at me. "Yes, that might work." Zemo slightly smiles. "Don't get me wrong, prostitutes job is really hard. I saw a document once..." I keep eating. "What kind of documents you've been watching?" Sam looks up and down on me. "Where would we get one? I mean, we can't just put someone random person in danger like that..." Bucky gets frustrated. Zemo has a sneaky smile on his face:"We only need someone to pretend to be one..." and turn to look at me. Sam and Bucky turns back to look at me too as I'm still eating the food, not listening. Then I see all the guys looking at me:"What..? What did he say?". There is some food corner of my mouth. "No." Bucky quickly says and raises up from his seat.

"What happened?" I start to look answers from others faces as Bucky walks to the kitchen island. "(Y/N)- Miss (Y/L)." Zemo starts with as he looks me in the eyes. "You think you could... Pretend to be a prostitute?" he ask. Blinking my eyes few times faster than normal before answering:"...Sure, but I better look classy. Like in Pretty woman!". "This is not a joke, (Y/N)." Sam quickly says with concerned tone in his voice. Frowning at his comment:"I know that. You don't think I could pull that off? You don't think I'm attractive enough?". Sam gets little embarrassed:"N-no, that's not what I meant! I just- " and gets cut off by Bucky:"No you can't (Y/N). Just look at yourself." pointing out my messy eating. Something snaps inside of me a bit as he said that.

The night came. Everybody is in their beds. Sam is sleeping one of the bedrooms, Zemo is in the other and Bucky sleeps on the couch. Just like somekind of guard dog... I'm lying on the bed, in the room upstairs, alone. Can't get Bucky's words out of my mind. He has been nothing but an ass this whole mission. What happened to the one that I knew before he went to Wakanda? Then I remember the kiss... Huge blush raises all over my body as I remembered it. NOOOOOOOOO!!! We never had the change to talk about it. I mean, what would he say? Why he kissed me? Does he like me? No. Impossible. I mean, maybe he did like me back then... And maybe now he's regretting that he liked me? Maybe that's why he is acting out... He realized how stupid it is to fall for someone like me and... My insecure gets best of me. He is NOT interested in me. Never been, never will. Why do I even care so much? God, I'm messed up...!

The night went fast. Slept like a baby after I finally fell asleep. After changed my pyjamas into a top and some pants, I wonder down the stairs and see Bucky and Zemo, sitting completely different sides of the room. "Good morning, Miss (Y/L)." Zemo greets me with gentle voice. He seems to be glad he didn't have to spend anymore alone time with the guy with staring problem. "Morning! Where's Sam?" rubbing my eye as I walk to the fridge. "He went outside for a run." Zemo informs. "Mm..." I nod and go sit on the kitchen island to eat some breakfast. Bucky sits further away in the living room area, staring. Can't really look at him right now.

The tension between me and Bucky is something... After what he said about me at the dinner, I haven't said anything to him since. Then Zemo approaches me:"...Saturday is tomorrow. We maybe need some fitting clothes there.". "Right... Um, I guess we'll go shopping today then." I mutter. Corner of my eye, I see Bucky is listening us. "Maybe, I should get some clothes too then..?" he looks at me with little bit timid face. Zemo needs to be there too, he is going to be 'the seller'. Everybody knows him at the nightclub, so it'll be higher change for us they will take the bait. "Yeah, sure. But I guess you'll need to buy them yourself, Baron." grabbing some coffee into my mug. "Surtenly." he reply.

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