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Halloween is near. I had recover fast, so I didn't need to wear the arm support anymore. Sure, if I put a weight on it, it will hurt. But otherwise, I was feeling normal. "Come on, (Y/N)!" Sam shouts over his shoulder. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" I shout back. We're running at the park. Leafs are flying around. It's a pretty cold day. With every breath steam comes out of our mouth. "You need to come running with me more often." Sam teases. "Running... Never been my thing." I pant after we stop. Sam laughs for my misery and starts stretching against a park bench:"How's your shoulder?". "It's alright. Small aces here and there, but I'll live. Sure, there's still nasty looking mark on it..." still trying to settle my breathing.

"Well, it's going to make you look more thug than you already are at the Halloween party." he consult. "Nah, I think I'm still going to cover it somehow..." I smirk to the ground. It would be nice to look pretty for the evening for once. Most of the time I either wear training clothes or the Avenger suit. "You already have something to wear?" he ask. "Not yet, Nat and Wanda are going to take me shopping today." wiping some sweat away on my cheek. Sam had an evil smile on his face as he starts to run:"Well, let's run back to the Tower, so you'll fit in one.". "RUDE!!" I run after him, ready kick his ass.

Later that day, us girls went shopping to the mall. "How about this?" Natasha pulls out black dress that has very deep neckline. "Mmm... No. Last thing I need is Scott staring at my chest whole evening." rolling my eyes at the image. "This one!" Wanda shows a big ruffle dress, that look more like something someone would wear in their 'Sweet sixteen'. "Also, no." I burst out laughter with the girls. "What kind of Halloween party won't allow costumes? It said 'Formal code' in the invite..." Wanda wonder out loud. "Well, you know Tony... He loves to dress formal." I sweep thru some dresses. "Yeah, no wonder... He dresses up as a tin can most of his time." Natasha chuckle.

We keep going between stores, trying to find the perfect dresses and accessories to go with. "Okay, what about this one?" Natasha brings very beautiful red dress for me to try on. "Oh, it's beautiful! But... Are you sure it will look good on me?" I wonder. "Of course, trust me." she smiles while handing it to me. Natasha does own very good taste, making brave choices that I never really dare to make. After putting it on, Wanda and Natasha both had huge smiles on their faces. "Oh God, (Y/N)! It suits on you perfectly!!" Wanda cheers. Nat nods, approving the dress. Light blush comes on my cheeks:"Thank you.". Never really had female friends before. Sure, I got sisters, but it's still different. I actually feel great. Can't wait for the night!

Soon, the Halloween came. The party is at one of Tony's clubhouse's that has beautiful lake next to it. It was nowhere near 'small' party, there are like 200 people invited. Whole place is decorated all Halloween theme inside out. Guests are walking in with beautiful dresses and suits on. Steve, Bucky, Bruce, Scott, Clint and Sam are waiting on us girls in front the clubhouse. "Where are they? We've been waiting for them like... Twenty minutes!" Sam pase back and forth. "Relax, women always takes their time..." Scott sips alcohol from a flask. All the boys had gone before us, so they haven't seen our dresses yet. "I guess that's them." Steve notices the limo.

Happy drove us there with black limo. Natasha is the first to get out of the car:"Hello, boys.". She has this very gorgeous navy blue dress, sweet heart neckline with slit on right side. Bruce blushes hard, but tries to cover it. Wanda following after, flashing cute smile at the boys. She's wearing very cute purple dress with shoulders off. "You two look stunning!" Clint smiles at the duo. "Where's (Y/N)?" he starts to look around. "I'm right here!" I struggle to get out of the car. Happy quickly helps me, hold his arm as support:"Here, you're alright?". "Yes, thank you Happy." I smile gently at him before turning to look all the Avengers. "Wooow~!" Scott howls as his eyes goes up and down me.

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