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Day after that, I'm in the training room. Kicking and punching the punching bag. Pretending that is either Bucky, Tony, or Rose... Can't trust anyone! Then I feel someone comes into the room. It's Steve, he has his training clothes on. "Letting out some steam?" he smiles corner of his mouth. Without paying attention to him, I keep punching the bag. For a moment he watches my moves. "Look, (Y/N)-", I stop punching:"If that jerk send you here to talk to me, I'm not interested.". Then I go to get some water. Steve sighs deep to himself:"Why both of you need to be so stubborn..?". "Said something?" giving him irritated look. He shakes his head:"No. No, Bucky didn't send me here to talk to you. He's man enough to come talk to you himself.". Gulp some water down. "Man enough... Right." I roll my eyes. I've avoided him ever since we got back.

Steve puts hands on his hips:"You're still mad at him?". Walk back to the bag, quickly my eyes visit his:"Where did your beard go?". His eyes follows me:"Avoiding my question isn't helping the situation.". Frowning at him:"But there isn't any 'situation', Steve. Besides, where in the world you found Rose at the beginning with?". Steve puts arms over his chest:"She used to work with S.H.I.E.L.D., but told me that after HYDRA, she left.". Now I cross arms over my chest:"Ever occurred to you she might have done that to cover her tracks?". "Right. I made a mistake. But you don't need to punish Bucky for it." he goes to the treadmill. "Punish him? I'm not the one who stick my tong-! You know what? I'm over with this conversation. Good day." I leave the room.

Punishing him? Me? How did Steve even came up with that, I wonder. Walking towards the lift, I hear other footsteps approach. My heart skips a beat right when our eyes meet. It's Bucky. He stands there, little bit surprised to see me as well. Then, I turn around and continue walking. Bucky rushes after me:"(Y/N).". Without looking back and keep on walking:"Go away Barnes.". Quickly press the lift's button. The doors open and I get in, then I start pressing the button to my floor fast multiple times. C'mon, c'mon, c'mon..! Just before the doors gets closed, Bucky puts his hand between the doors, and they open:"What got into you?!". My heart aches:"Nothing! I'm just tired and I want to go and get a shower.". The doors closes, leaving us alone into the lift.

After a moment of super awkward silence, Bucky points his finger at me frustrated:"Look, I only did that to safe your ass!". Slapping his finger away:"Didn't ask you to!". "So... What? Better let her shoot you thru your head?!" he scoffs. "Rather that than kissing her!" I snap back. He looks at me little bit surprised. The doors open as we arrive to my floor. Right before I'm about to step out, Bucky puts his hand in front of me, leaning against the frame:"Are you jealous? For me, kissing her?". Blush raises on my cheek:"Nope! Not one bit." and go under his arm, heading to my room. "Told you, I only did it just so I get her away from you!" he follows. "Doesn't matter. Don't care." quickly close the door behind me and lock it. Bucky leans against the wall with his hand:"(Y/N), come out and let's talk. This is ridiculous.". Cross arms over my chest:"For a man who doesn't like to talk, you sure talk a lot!". Then I head to the bathroom.

Bucky mutters something to himself all frustrated. Wanda gets out of her room and walk past him. She then uses her powers to unlock the door while walking, looking all innocent. Before she got in to the lift, she gives him the 'don't screw this up' - look. Bucky is stunned for a second, but then opens the door and let himself in. My eyes widens as I step out of the bathroom:"H-How did you..?!". Must be the assassin skills. He close the door behind him:"I'm sorry, but you haveto listen to me-", "I don't wanna hear it!" raise my hands up as defense. "Why not?" his voice sound half frustrated, half sad.

Taking a deep breath at first:"Look..- You don't haveto explain me anything. You and I are just friends- ", "But we're not." he quickly says, keeping intense eye contact and takes couple steps towards me:"We're not. Friends don't kiss each others like that.". "The..- Then what you want from me Bucky?!" it's like the words escape from my mouth. "The hell..- You! I want you, (Y/N)." he blurts out. What?! My eyes goes wide. Both of us wince after he said that. Even Bucky got surprised by his own words. My heart pounds so fast and face all red:"Ouh...". Bucky shut his eyes and pinches bridge of his nose, collecting his thoughts. Is this all actually happening?

For a moment of watching this man struggle, my face softens and raise my arms over my chest:"I... I'm sorry I yelled at you.". My eyes wonder around the room. Bucky lift his eyes on me. I feel little bit embarrassed:"..You did what was best at that moment.", nodding to my own words. He just stands there and listens. Can't look at him straight in the eyes:"Guess, I got hurt... What you said.". He lets out a small sigh:"Well... Half of it was true.". Huh?! My head snap right at him with half questioning, half mad. "Sometimes you can be annoying and messy..." there is tiny smirk on his lips. I fight against smile forming on my lips:"..Idiot.". Bucky takes two steps forward, so we stand now almost chest to chest. When did he get this close? Gently, his hand reach for mine, placing it right against his chest. His heart is pounding fast. My (e/c) eyes stare into his blue eyes for a moment. "But I don't mind it." his voice is so soft.

Slowly slide my other hand to caress his cheek, feeling his stubble against my fingertips. We both lean in with lips inch away from the other, he shifts his eyes up and down, like asking for permission. Heart about to come out of my chest. My hand goes behind his neck and I gently pull him close and we kiss. Melting into the kiss, Bucky wrap his arms around me tight. My heart flutters. Then I wrap my arms behind his neck, kissing even deeper. He carefully places both hands on my waist, my hands get back of his hair. His hair feels so soft. Soon feeling how his tongue carefully passes my lips. Going with the flow and slightly open my mouth, so his tongue met mine. Kissing in perfect sync for minute before pulling away. Both looking deep into the eyes, breathing heavily. Then Bucky pulls me into hug. His strong arms wrap around my body, feeling his heart pounding fast. The hug made me feel whole. "Dummy." he whispers. Smile forms on my lips:"Idiot.". And we stayed there quite some time.

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