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Rose Johnson. The one who Bucky turned down. Twice. She looks so lost and scared. Steve and Bucky turns to look at us. Frowning confused:"Wha... How did you get in here?". Rose's eyes goes right to Bucky. Relief lights up her whole face:"You came for me!". She pushes me aside and jumps to hug him. Spark of jealousy goes thru me, but quickly push it away. Bucky slightly holds his hands in the air, wondering what is going on. Steve and I just stand there, little bit confused as well. "How did you get here?" Steve asks. Rose turns to look at him, but still holds on to Bucky. "I... I'm not sure. First I was at my office and then it all went dark." she explains. Bucky gently pushes her away and takes a step back:"Have you seen doctor Sidorov?". Her eyes goes back to Bucky:"Who..?".

I cross arms over my chest:"Sidorov. That bastard why we all are in here.". Rose's eyes goes up and down on me:"Oh, (Y/N). Didn't see you there.". "Wh- What you mean?!" raising my voice a bit. This woman... Trying to contain myself here. "We need to get you out of here, now." Steve starts looking around a way out. "They brought me here from some secret entry... Even my eyes were covered, I remember where we came." Rose points the direction. "Great, so you can see yourself out." I scoff and start walk towards the direction we originally were heading. "(Y/N)..." Steve calls after me. Rolling my eyes and turn back:"Alright... But let's do it quickly then.". Sure, one of us could lead her out of here, but we had agreed that we stay together.

So, all four of us walk the hallway Rose remembers she had walk before. She keeps walking really close to Bucky the whole time. I don't like this... Corner of my eye, I see Steve looking at me. There is hint of tease on his face. "Stop it." whisper hiss at him. "What? I didn't say anything." holding his smile miserably. "There! We went thru this door." Rose points at big metal door that is end of the hallway. Steve nods:"Right. After we check the way is clear, you run and -", "N-no! Not without Buck!" Rose wraps her arm around Bucky's metal arm. Bucky breaks the touch once again:"I'm not leaving (Y/N)'s side.". Smile escapes from my lips, but quickly bite my lip not to.

Rose frowns and shift her eyes between me and Bucky:"Don't tell me...". All three of us turn to look at her with questioning face. Rose points right at me:"HER?!", while looking Bucky in disbelieve. "Wow..." me and Steve raise our hands up as defense. Bucky says nothing, just keeps his usual stare at her. Steve takes a step towards her:"Rose, we really need to get you out..-", but quickly five HYDRA agents comes in, pointing their guns at us. Shit. "See you finally made it." Sidorov walks between the agents, having hands behind his back. Steve and Bucky takes a step forward, so me and Rose are now behind them. Sidorov's eyes finds mine:"(Y/L), glad you came. You also brought some friends with you I see.".

Steve frowns:"Three Avengers against six HYDRA's allie... Why won't you just give up?". Sidorov raise his eyebrow, looking amused:"Six? Count again.". Huh? Then I feel how cold metal touches back of my neck. "Seven." says the woman behind me. Steve and Bucky turn their heads to look behind them. "Rose?!" Steve sounds so surprised. Our weapons are taken away. The doctor keeps smiling as the HYDRA agents force us walk thru that big metal door. But the door actually leads us into spacious room, that seems like the room they do tests on people. There are some hospital looking beds and tables that has needles and bottles on them. This is really bad... "Strap them." Sidorov points at the super-soldiers.

Bucky and Steve gives this stern look, like they're about to attack. "Don't even think about it." Rose keeps her gun against my head. At first they share challenging look, but then the soldiers give up and goes lay on the beds. No..! My heart breaks seeing them like this. The agents strap them tight. Steve keeps a brave face. There is some panic in Bucky's eyes, but he does everything not to break down. Rose leans in, so I can feel her breath right in my ear:"Told you, I always get what I want...". Fucking hell. Sidorov walks up to them and puts rubber gloves on:"This might hurt a little... Not that it matters." he smiles. "Stop!!!" tears start to form on my eyes. He turns to look at me:"We will continue where we were left of, don't worry...". "Don't fucking touch her!" Bucky growls. "Buck..!" Steve tries to calm him down.

My whole body is shaking. This can't be happening. Sidorov's eyes shifts from me to Bucky:"How pathetic... Our monster has fallen for void bounty hunter. And for what? All that serum running thru your veins..-", "Fuck you." I snap. He turns back to look at me. There is anger in my eyes:"He didn't agreed any of this! You took him by force. Tortured him, made him your personal puppet... If anyone here is a monster, it's you.". A tear rolls down my cheek. Doctor ignores my words and goes to the table, preparing somekind a needle. Rose smiles:"Don't worry Buckster~. After this, I'll make you forget all of this. I make sure of it.". God, I hate her! Clenching my fist so hard that it goes white.

Bucky gives his death stare at first, but then his face softens a bit:"Promise?". My eyebrows raise little out of confusion. Why he sweet talks to her all of sudden?! Rose's eyes slowly start to sparkle:"Yes! I'll do anything you want.". "Kiss me." he says. What?! Even Steve raise his eyebrow now. Rose is about to take a step, but stops:"But... What about her? Thought you-", "It's a lie. All I wanted to make you jealous. I'm sorry. She means nothing to me." Bucky says. My heart drops:"What?!". Bucky keeps his eyes on Rose:"She's messy and annoying. All I want is you, Rose.". My ears are rining, breathing gets harder. "Oh Buck!" Rose exudes of joy and runs up to Bucky. "Let me hold you." he smiles sweetly.

Rose eagerly opens the leather straps and kisses him. Bucky wraps his arms around her, deepening the kiss. After everything... He lied to me. My heart breaks apart:"Fuck you Barnes!!". Tears start to run down to my face. One of the agents puts their hand on my shoulder, with quick moves, I grab their hand and throw them over my shoulder. Everyone gets alert and the agents start to attack me. Bucky quickly head pumps Rose so she falls down. Steve yanks his arms free and starts fighting. I throw punches and kicks, fighting with rage in my eyes. There is panic in Sidorov's eyes and he tries to run to the exit, but Steve blocks the way:"It's over.". "Not when I'll say it!" Sidorov hits the needle in himself. "What are you doing?!" Steve gasp. Sidorov smiles:"Soon, I'll be stronger than any of you.".

There is a rusty pipe on the floor, I grab it and hit one of the agents so they fall down. Then I feel someone is standing really close, so I turn around and swing the pipe. Loud metal sound fills the room. "(Y/N)." Bucky stands there, holding the pipe on the other end with his metal arm. Can't stand him. "Stay the hell away from me!" I hiss. He tightens the grip:"Listen to me-!", "NO!" and yank the pipe out of his reach. Last of standing HYDRA agent tries to attack, but I hit them with the pipe. Bucky frowns and comes closer:"I did it to safe yo-", "Fuck off!" I yell. "Guys..!" Steve's voice snaps both of our heads to him. Our eyes widens as we see how Sidorov is hunched down, twitching. "What did you do to him?" I ask. "Nothing! He put the serum in him with a needle." Steve takes a step back. The doctor groans as his back starts to grow bigger, so it actually breaks his clothes. Bucky and I take a step back as well. "What the hell..?!" Bucky gasps. Sidorov laughs:"The serum... It works!". He grew taller and has now this ridiculously large muscles. What the hell?!

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